Having breakfast out on the deck yesterday morning, I saw a bee leave a hole in a board on a bench. That surprised me. Imagine my suprise if I’d decided to sit right there on that hole instead of the chair I did sit on. Not a pretty picture.
So anyway I waited a bit and sure enough, the bee came back loaded with treasure that it ripped off from nature, and it brought it into the hole. It stayed there for five minutes then left again to get some more. Over and over this went on. I looked it up—a leaf cutter bee. Sure enough, we have leaves on a vine that are all cut up.
At the end of the day, it closed the hole up with a couple of tiny pieces of leaves that were cut to look like two big castle doors, to keep n’er-do-wells out I guess.
The first picture is an extreme close-up of bee butt, which I barely caught as it darted into the bee residence. The second one is bee head as the bee was leaving.
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