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BC Teachers union to promote Brokeback Mountain lesson plan

The lesson plan was developed by a gay school teacher named James Chamberlain, who was the Surrey elementary school teacher who pushed for the inclusion in the Surrey school system of three children’s books that portrayed same-sex parents.

His lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender acceptance lesson plan, as outlined by Vancouver Sun columnist Pete McMartin in his column today, contained at least two spelling or grammar errors, as caught by Pete McMartin but which McMartin graciously left indiscussed.  I’m just saying.

Perhaps the teachers and their union should teach the three Rs —to the teachers and students—instead of this to our children.

Pete McMartin, Vancouver Sun
Published: Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Brokeback Mountain the movie could soon be moving out of theatres and into a high school near you.

As a teaching aid.

Last week, the B.C. Teachers’ Federation premiered its Brokeback Mountain Lesson Plan, the newest resource being offered by the BCTF’s Homophobia and Heterosexism Action Group.

The group, created by the BCTF “to improve access to resources on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues for teachers,” offers bibliographies of pertinent titles, handbooks on teaching methods and a list of videos. Most of those videos are short, earnest documentaries, such as Outside the Lines: The World of the Gay Athlete. There is also one other full-length feature offered, Ma Vie En Rose (My Life In Pink), a 11/2-hour European film about “Ludovic, 8 … a little girl in a boy’s body. For him, nothing is more natural than to change his gender.”

But Brokeback is the first movie around which the BCTF has built an entire lesson plan. Targeted for Grades 10-12, the plan cautions teachers that Brokeback Mountain is rated 14A.

“Students under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Those over 14 need no accompaniment, only identification to verify their age.”


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And yes, this is the same liberal-left that wants to run a national institutional daycare (and early learning —wink!) social service.


Joel Johannesen
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