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Auto workers will “feel the pain”? They’re making “sacrifices”? On what planet?

This news is amazing.  It’s not just the fact that auto executives actually, once again, signed off on the very crap that helped get them into the grave mess they’re in now, it’s the new definition of “sacrifice” and “pain”, as invented by the ridiculous auto union boss that gets me.

And it’s the fact that this is what union bosses and the compliant (all unionized) media all apparently uniformly think are perfectly sufficient “sacrifices” in order to avoid an almost certain economic and business calamity in Canada.

•  ‘Significant sacrifices’ in tentative deal with GM: union
(The CBC informs us about how we should think, right in their headline.  They agree!)
•  CAW reaches tentative labour deal with GM
(The article includes a gratuitous sub-headline in the middle of their article informing us, in bold lettering:  “Union members will be hit hard by changes”, as seen in the graphic.  They agree!

Their notoriously out-of-whack pay wasn’t cut in half.  Not even by a quarter. And no, not by an eighth.  Freezing auto worker wages and their extraordinary benefits packages and pensions at their current (unbelievably high) levels is purportedly a “sacrifice” which will cause the workers and their families to “feel pain”.  These are “significant sacrifices”, even, we’re told.  “Real hardship”.  And making them now pay up to 30 bucks a month for their family’s extended health care plan is “pain”.  And dropping their paid vacation time from ten paid weeks off per year to eight paid weeks off per year is a “sacrifice”.

“These changes represent a major sacrifice by our active members and retirees,” CAW boss Ken Lewenza said.

How on Earth do we now describe what our soldiers are doing in Afghanistan, then?  What did our parents and grandparents and great grandparents endure during the world wars, in this case?

And this will help save GM and Chrysler?  Keeping wages where they were?

The indignant CAW labor union boss said, “The contract changes we have negotiated are significant sacrifices on the part of CAW members, both active and retired. They will cause some real hardship for our members and their families.”

Is this how it’s going to go?  Is this where we’re at?  We’re going to use words like “sacrifice” and “pain” here?  And the media reporters reporting on all of this are NOT going to question this attitude and the words used here?  This is now the new level of what’s acceptable?

Not getting big fat raises and automatic quarterly pay hike adjustments for inflation and $1700 “bonuses” during the worst financial crisis since—what’s the latest dire doom and gloom rhetoric Obama and the CBC are using—“since Jesus was born”?  (no sorry the CBC wouldn’t say “Jesus”—maybe “Darwin” or “Marx”) is a “significant sacrifice” which will cause “real hardship”?  And the media doesn’t call them on that bunk?

If this is the attitude we going to employ—or let others get away with adopting without question—in order to get out of this mess, God help us all.  No wonder we’re all turning into nations of nancies and nanny-state teat-suckers and socialists and surrender monkeys.  And of course it’s exactly what they on the left want.

This “sacrificial” deal of “pain” is key to securing the federal government (taxpayer) bailout of failing GM and Chrysler in Canada.  The federal government needs to say no to both parties, and let freedom and free-market capitalism take its course.  It’s the compassionate, right thing to do.


Joel Johannesen
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