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Atheist sues to ban hand on Bible

Bored misguided liberals in action:

The California lawyer who tried to have the phrase “under God” removed from the Pledge of Allegiance now wants to legally prevent President Bush from placing his hand on a Bible while being sworn in at his inauguration.

Michael Newdow, an atheist doctor and lawyer from Sacramento, has filed a complaint and a motion for preliminary injunction in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, seeking to remove prayer and all “Christian religious acts” from the Jan. 20 inauguration.

That’s progressive!  Vote liberal!  Then there’s more:

Mr. Newdow is a licensed minister of atheism, though he says he and members of his Internet church worship nobody. He says church members instead encourage a way of thinking.

“Question everything,” said Mr. Newdow, summing up his worldview. “Be honest. Do what’s right. Stand up for principle.”

When asked how to determine what is right, Mr. Newdow said, “I use my brain.”

Mr. Newdow states in his complaint that he “sincerely believes that there is no such thing as god, or God, or any supernatural force.” On the contrary, he believes “supernatural” is an oxymoron. “Thus, plaintiff denies the existence of God.”

While liberals constantly try to bring society and its values and morals down to their level so they can feel more comfortable, others, like the vast majority of North Americans, feel otherwise.  Unlike liberals such as the lunatic narcissist Mr. Newdow, who worships himself and likely manifestly his penis, most people are more intelligent than that. 

The Rev. Louis P. Sheldon, chairman of the Traditional Values Coalition, said Mr. Newdow’s filing marks “the day we have been warning America would come.”

“Mr. Newdow should be ashamed for seeking this injunction against his fellow citizens,” he said. “We, as Americans, need to awaken and deal with these threats to religious liberty, cynically disguised as ‘civil liberties’ defense.

Or to quote British thinker G.K. Chesterton:  “When people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing—they believe in anything.”

How true.

Joel Johannesen
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