“Support the troops and the mission”—well that’s the title of the National Post’s lead editorial today. In fact they repeat some of what I said yesterday in my blog entry and at other times. (Therefore it’s a good read!)
Despite repeated reports that support for our Afghan mission is only 50-50, outpourings of goodwill towards our Armed Forces is such that we don’t believe polls claiming lukewarm support.
Indeed, as we reported on our front page yesterday, when Canadians are asked whether they support our mission, their approval is upward of 80% to 85% when pollsters first explain the breadth of our humanitarian and reconstruction efforts.
Still, it is not up to pollsters to drum up support. That is the government’s job. And on that task, the Conservatives have been wanting. Fearful of offending war-skeptical voters (particularly in Quebec), the government has offered only tepid explanation of all we are accomplishing.
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