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Canada’s media keep the you’ve got to be kidding party alive

As I was working on other things and listening to liberalvision (the “news” in Canada), I decided I needed to remind Canadians that the socialists of the NDP—or more accurately, the you’ve got to be kidding party, are kept alive in this country largely by virtue of the liberal-left media in Canada keeping them alive.  They can’t survive on their own, and they shouldn’t.  Not normally in favor of euthanasia because being a conservative I believe in the culture of life rather than death, in this one case I totally believe in it. We should take them off life support and let them die as would be their wont: indignantly. 

I’ll let that sink in for a moment to wait for the pleasant warmth of the truthiness of it wash over you. There.  That’s all the time you need if you have the intelligence of anything beyond that of, a, say, hammer or sickle. 

This is a lot like the current U.S. presidential nomination race—only it’s decades long and even more dumb and boring.  Sensible folks want the dead wood—the jokers—to zip it, drop out, and reduce the level of pollution we are forced to consume every time there’s a debate and every time you switch on liberalvision.

The you’ve got to be kidding party doesn’t deserve any attention whatsoever.  They are the dead wood.  The jokers.  Relatively few people vote for them even after all these decades of being totally out of sync with Canadians.  Those who do, do so because their union orders them to and their members blindly abide by dumb instructions; and/or because so many Canadians are so pathetically, politically unsophisticated that for them, politics is but another team sport—a hockey game—and they won’t give up their little “team” no matter what.  And they do because the media’s constant endorsement-in-kind makes it seem like they’re worthy of your consideration (which they aren’t).  None of these are good reasons to keep a party alive. In fact they’re good reasons to let one die, and to get a new media source while you’re at it. 

The liberal media keep them “relevant” (or hideously, even at the very top of the news) simply by constantly trotting them out and giving them a microphone or face-time on TV or quotes in newspapers, and then tell us “see?  they have something to say!” in order to validate their having them say something.  If the liberal media dares have a Conservative on TV, then like automatons they trot out both a Liberal and a you’ve got to be kidding party hack or brown pant-suited hackette (in addition to the usual phalanx of leftist professors) to (oh hopefully!) debase the conservative ideas.  The media are promoting them.  There is no reason to otherwise trot these people out. They contribute nothing to the debate but, unwittingly, humor.  They are just a weird Canadian distraction like the CFL or the CBC.

They also trot out Bloc Quebecois politicians, hardly any of whom I can understand in English, which on top of the reasons I gave for the demise of the NDP, should as a matter of Canadian patriotism be abjectly ignored by all Canadians, including even the Canadian media (which preposterously presume to take the position that they’re not “Canadian” but rather they’re above that:  they’re “objective” media.  If that’s what they believe, they’re wrong on both options).  Here’s my suggestion to the media: if the Bloc-heads or the socialists (actually, they’re one and the same—socialists) complain, ignore their incomprehensible complaints so you can cover the ideas that never get air-time —for example, actual conservative ideas!  Normal Canadians do as I do:  simply laugh as though it’s a wee bit o’ that famous Canadian comedy, then switch to Fox News Channel for something sane.

And of course the lie in their message is what’s omitted as much as what isn’t.  They stand for socialism which, within their boring 18th century, class-warfare, labor-union-butt-kissing messages, they largely even deny exists.  Note, for example, how they never, EVER talk about being “socialists” (like all liberal-leftists, they choose the new liberal group-think moniker “progressives”), nor do they overtly speak of advocating “socialism”,  even thought their constitution calls for a global socialist order, and an end to capitalism as we know it.  It’s a “hidden agenda” of a very dangerous kind —in juxtaposition to the media’s totally made-up Conservative Party kind, which is pure bunkum, but which they can’t stop talking about.  Half the time what the hacks and hackettes say—their incessant caterwauling, their ridiculous policies and platforms—don’t even make the slightest bit of sense.  And yet the media trots them out, day after day after day, as if their relevance actually is on par with the Conservatives and the Liberal Party’s few remaining non-socialists (there are but a few left). And each time, we as a nation actually get dumber.

These media and union promotional efforts are aided and abetted by the clerical division of the Liberal-Left religion of liberalism, the teachers in the public schools and universities (hey, they’re all unionized!), almost all of whom support socialism or even Marxism for our country, and figure the NDP are the best bet for that ignoble purpose. At best, the clerics present such an anti-conservative narrative in the undercurrent of their class-time sermons to the children, that it’s unmistakable even amongst the kids.  It was bad when I was a kid—it’s gotten worse over the years.

“But they always get about 10% of the vote!” many political geniuses of Canada will chime in, mostly because they were educated in public schools, and they watch anything but Fox News Channel, and therefore have absolutely no clue that there’s anything else to think about besides left, and far-left world views.  10% is how much you tip a waiter when the service is lousy.

Canadians ought to figure the difference between the dog wagging the tail and the tail wagging the dog, and which way is right. Clearly, we can’t count on the liberal media to help folks sort that out.  They all vote for the NDP, and book them, and interview them, and promote them.  They are their life support. Pull the damn plug already, and by the way, they’d thank you to spare yourself the trouble of uttering a prayer afterwards.

Joel Johannesen
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