It’s funny how the very things that I find good about our columnist Ann Coulter, liberals find bad. Among the comments the Arizona Daily Star in Tucson had to say regarding their decision to drop Ann Coulter’s column were:
“Many readers find her shrill, bombastic, and mean-spirited. And those are the words used by readers who identified themselves as conservatives,” the recently appointed Stoeffler wrote.
One recent example of Coulter’s controversial approach was in her Aug. 10 column. She wrote: “(T)he savages have declared war, and it’s far preferable to fight them in the streets of Baghdad than in the streets of New York—where the residents would immediately surrender.”
Boo hoo hoo.
I constantly say to her: “say more things like that.”
And by the way, to read the whole column the sad sad folks at the Arizona Daily Star refer to, called “It’s ‘Let’s roll,’ not ‘Let’s roll over’”, please click here and read it at our site! I thoroughly enjoyed that column!
She says stuff like that right here, every Thursday. And I love it.
But, as usual, I like truth. Let’s find the truth here. The real reason the Arizona Daily Star dropped her column is that Ann Coulter dissed them, as well she should have, as a result of their coverage of the incident at which pies were thrown at her by liberal moonbats during a speech at the University of Arizona. She wrote about the pie incident here, in a column called It’s only funny until someone loses a pie.
Then, the following week, she hit the Arizona Daily Star and their lousy reporting, here, in the very interesting Pies, lies & videotape.
Gee. She must be really shocked and ever-so-saddened at the Arizona Daily Star decision.
“Truth” is what liberals don’t have a taste for. Not “shrill, bombastic, and mean-spirited” conservatives. Trust me.
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