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Apologies to a great Canadian

I’m hoping that only a very few of you saw the egregious personal attack lobbed against one of our own here, “conservativegal”, in the comments section of her invaluable daily Headline News of August 19 2006.  It got past my usually very careful screening methods as a result of a glitch in our system, and it won’t happen again.

I want to publicly apologize to conservativegal for the asinine behavior of a clearly moronic, angry, intolerant, confused liberal-leftist who chose to launch a cheap, seriously stupid and malicious ad hominem attack against her, rather than even pretend to have any brainpower at all whatsoever. 

If there is a “positive” in this it is that once again, and for the umpteenth time, we’ve been privy to the inner workings of the liberal-leftist, who in a public setting is not afraid to prove that so many liberal-leftists are completely hypocritical, intolerant asses, incapable of reason and debate in a setting that isn’t governed by their fellow socialists and elitist asses.  One can only imagine what liberals do when not in a public setting, and what they think about and how they act-out in private.

My guess is that he is bereft of any brains and he knew it, and in addition, is a total pantywaist afraid of entering into a simple friendly debate—on any level—with any right-thinking conservative.  So he jumped right to the brainless option like a common moron would, then ran away like a little girl, trying as hard as possible to remain anonymous, like the coward he is.

So, sorry to conservativegal, and thanks to that liberal-leftist ass for the lesson and confirmation of what we already know about liberals. 

And also congratulations to conservativegal, who is now a member of the club reserved for those who are clearly a threat to the liberal-left, and whom they deem worthy of silencing and attempting to shut up, in their overt displays of their love of “free speech” and “diverse opinions”.  Welcome!

Joel Johannesen
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