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Apathy is Boring; and it’s Political

imageWhenever you hear one of those “apolitical”, “non-partisan”, “get out the youth vote” group reps talking on TV, get out your grown-up BS antenna. What you’ll detect most often is actually a “get out the left-wing and far-left vote” promotion. 

Particularly when it’s on a far-left TV station.

So today when the state-owned, state-run, far-left CBC Newsworld put together a lengthy “news” interview with a representative of a group called, apolitically enough, “Apathy is Boring”, I tuned my antenna to their Canadian taxpayer-sponsored web site.  This is of course something the CBC couldn’t do, since they are so into promoting green issues and candidates and policies these days, they apparently can’t even turn on their computers. 

In the ART AND MUSIC SECTION (like all “get out the youth vote” groups, they rely on reliably left-wing and far-left “artists” like hip hop stars and rappers and punk-rock “artists” and so on, because nobody knows politics like punk-rock “artists”, and youth are apparently completely stupid), they interview these artists who have signed onto their ever-so apolitical Apathy is Boring project, and who presumably advance their “apolitical”, “non-partisan” views for the youth as they spread their “art” across the country. 

(These are partial statements, but not lacking in significant context.  And don’t worry, nothing remotely “conservative” was left out.  My bolding.): 

Josh Martinez
is an Apathy is Boring artist.
“If youth voted, Stephen Harper doesn’t run this country, Sam Sullivan does not run Vancouver (into the ground) and George Bush is pushing hot dogs at a Texas Rangers game, instead of turning the USA into the world’s least liked country.”

Gavin Bradley
is an Apathy is Boring artist.
“I trust my instincts in terms of whether I think a politician is genuine and sincere, and whether I sense a hidden agenda or see them hedging on an issue.  I look for progressive views and a sort of realistic positivity.”

Sarah Siddiqui
is an Apathy is Boring artist.
“On an individual level I am very passionate about social justice issues.”

Joel Plaskett
is an Apathy is Boring artist.
“Someone who doesn’t waste our time trying to take away rights from people instead of giving them. For example, gay marriage should be a non-issue. They deserve the same rights as anyone else.”

are Apathy is Boring artists.
“…I expect someone in office to remember Tommy Douglas…”

are Apathy is Boring artists.
[In answer to the question: What do you look for in a politician? What do you expect from your MP?…]
“a politician? an MP.
money is not the cure
neither the solution
merely the liquidator
of community, the adjustments of the books.
so to speak.
in a world that’s choking itself.”

Chris Velan
is an Apathy is Boring artist.
“That sort of fire and progressive thinking needs desperately to be voiced at election time to counter the more conservative, narrow-minded ways of thinking that unfortunately befall individuals as they get older.”

Dry Heeves
are Apathy is Boring artists.
“We look for the same in our MPs but we expect nothing from any politician but power, corruption and lies. NEVER TRUST A POLITICIAN!”

Ben Mahony
is an Apathy is Boring artist.
[In answer to the question, “Why should people, especially youth, vote?”…]
“Voting is crucial to the expression of your rights as per Section 3 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms to not only vote but also to run for election. If you are disillusioned by the mainstream parties check out the Rhino party, a write in vote or as a final protest vote, spoil your ballot.”

[In answer to the question: “What do you look for in a politician? What do you expect from your MP?”…]
“Honesty. Integrity. A core belief in fundamental values including a high degree of concern for the environment, health care, rehabilitation and housing programs for the mentally disabled and homeless, gay rights, aboriginal rights, a compassionate foreign policy, pacifists, guts to stand up to the current US administration, and arts funding.”

Raine Maida
is an Apathy is Boring artist.
“Why is school so damn expensive? Why is my brother fighting in Afghanistan when Canada has always been known as a “peacekeeping” country? …”

… I have been soured by democracy of late.
“Democracy has raped our planet, caused an enormous gap between the rich and poor and driven our nervous systems to the brink.”

“…I have little faith in politicians. It was beyond my wildest dreams to think Darfur would be worse off now than when I traveled there in 2004.
Watching Iraq dissolve into chaos under a Bush regime that is nothing more than an illusion has been devastating. Watching Stephen Harper and the Conservative Government become romantically linked with Bush is also a joke, especially considering how Canada was actually beginning to distinguish itself from the Republican superpower. …”

The Most Serene Republic
are Apathy is Boring artists.
“Basically, I think it’s important to be progressive, listen to your constituents, and make sure that the country doesn’t go bankrupt!”

is an Apathy is Boring artist.
“I don’t want Canada to lose its social programs, and government funding. I don’t want us to turn into a privatized, 100% capitalist, u-get-what-u-pay-for health and education nation (like the U.S.). And I don’t want the general psyche of Canadian youth to shift to the “survival of the fittest” mentality so popular south of the border, due to lack of social infastructure.”

The Carps
are Apathy is Boring artists.
Jahmal – “Everything we do is affected by the decisions that an old white man makes. Politicians are elected by the people that vote. Simple right? Old white men vote. So whether you are white, black, asian, young people quite simply need to elect people that are gonna to listen to their concerns and cares.”

Jahmal – “My people live in Government housing. Your enviroment changes the outcome of your life. Stephen Harper will NEVER go to Flemo or Regent Park in Toronto.

Jahmal – “What kind of question is That? I want a guy who makes sure my healthcare stays free, and that I don’t die because of some stupid non-sense he decides is the ‘best for the people’ generally speaking, we are in good hands as long as we never get a Bush in power. Stephen Harper is more like a single ball. Just ONE testes.”

Michie Mee
is an Apathy is Boring artist.
“I expect straightforward answers even when beating around the Bush,…”

Apathy is Boring has several helpful articles, such as these:

“WHY You Should VOTE: 10 Reasons to Consider”
by Apathy is Boring — June 26, 2007

#2. The System is Bullshit and Needs a Fixin’
… Yes, the system is flawed and corrupt and that is why we care. Do you think that a bunch of old men who always get into power are suddenly going to change things? …

#3. … If you don’t come out for elections, who will? Do you want your grandmother deciding whether or not to legalize pot? Over 75% of seniors vote, and fewer than 26% of 18 to 30 year olds vote. See a problem here? – Cause I do. …

And this one:

“10 More Reasons to Appreciate the Right to Vote”
by Apathy is Boring Intern Patrick Burhkard — July 19, 2007

#5.  We DON’T Use Stupid Electronic Voting Machines:  Canada uses a Voter List – this means a paper record of all those who are entitled to vote (well it is electronic as well, but there is a paper list somewhere, I swear!).  Hear of all the problems these new fangled voting machines are causing in the States – fraud, tampering, vote-rigging, missed votes, counting errors, Bush getting elected  – well we have none of that nonsense.  Our system is easy and fraud free – so put your confidence in the electoral system…

#9.  …The Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees your ability to speak freely.  This means making fun of Harper’s haircut anytime you want to

There are a few PETITIONS, where apparently bad spelling and editing is… apathetic:

While there is a petition regarding the lack of an abortion law in Canada (“Apathy is killing 100,000 unborn children a year”—which is the only remotely “conservative” thing on the site that I was able to find), another one is called “Change The RETSD’s Student Harassment Policy to Spificically Include LGBTQ [lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered, and queer] Students”. 

That’s Spicifically, folks. 


There appears to be no 2007 annual report, but the 2006 report lists Alexandre Trudeau as one of two folks on their Advisory Board.  Oh I would advise more liberalness!  Vote liberal!  Merci! 

As we’ve all become accustomed in this country —a country in which most everything is now fully or at least partially reliant on the state for funding (which is a hidden agenda advanced by this country’s liberal-left), we find these folks as sponsors:

image image image image The Dept. of Canadian Heritage
Telefilm Canada,
Cultural Human Resources Council.

On the SPONSORS page itself, among the long list of sponsors, a web site/magazine/freak show called “Abort mag” where the motto is “Terminate The Intolerable”, and which itself comes equipped with the ubiquitous symbol of far-left Canadian government socialism and freak nation building, the liberals’  famous image logo.

Core STAFF of Apathy is Boring, which has web site articles in their “Action Alert” section promoting the idea of ensuring Green Party leader (and former Sierra Club honcho) Elizabeth May is allowed to be a part of the televised leaders’ debates: 

Ilona Dougherty
Child protestor, Youth activist, punk band manager, Ilona grew up in Saskatchewan and the Yukon, and now lives in Montreal. At 14 she was the Chair of the Canadian Environmental Network Youth Caucus, and later served on the National Youth Roundtable on the Environment, Sierra Youth Coalition Executive Committee, & Sierra Club of Canada Board of Directors. In January 2004 Ilona co-founded Apathy is Boring where she is currently the Executive Director. She also continues to dance, manage bands, and create award winning choreography.

Amelia Clarke
Amelia Clarke is the External Evaluator for Apathy is Boring. She is also the Immediate Past President of the Sierra Club of Canada and a PhD student in Strategy in the Faculty of Management at McGill University. She has taught in the School of the Environment at McGill University and the Faculty of Management at Dalhousie University. Her research interests include: sustainable development, corporate social and environmental responsibility (CESR), campus environmental management, and non-profit management. She has most recently consulted for the Commission for Environmental Cooperation, the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, and the Canadian Environment Network. Perhaps best known for founding and being the first National Director of the Sierra Youth Coalition, she is most proud of launching their sustainable campus program which is now active on more than 50 university campuses, and her successful efforts to help influence the creation of 10 new protected areas in New Brunswick, Canada.

Maybe parents should simply talk to their kids and encourage them to vote. It would cost taxpayers nothing, and might even result in more fairness for the conservative crowd. 



Joel Johannesen
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