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Another Liberal cavorts with possible terrorist supporters

image  Like his leader Paul Martin before him, another Liberal, Gurbax Singh Malhi, Liberal MP for Bramalea-Gore-Malton has been found chumming up with possible supporters of a known terrorist organization —the Tamil Tigers. 

The Tamil Tigers are considered a terrorist organization by Mr. Malhi’s country, and several dozen others, including India.  Apparently the 45% of voters in Ontario who voted for this man in the last election don’t care that their Liberal MP either doesn’t even know things like that, or that he doesn’t care, or worse, that he knows and makes the conscious decision to show his support for these people.  image“I’d like to let you know I’m helping you guys. I’m behind you because you are fighting for a right cause,” Michael Ignatieff’s man in Bramalea-Gore-Malton Ontario told the crowd amidst the flapping Tamil Tiger flags —a lovely peaceful emblem depicting a rabid tiger overlaid upon two AK-47 rifles and a circle of bullets. 

Didn’t Gurbax Singh Malhi notice the Tamil Tiger flags all over the place?


Asked about the many Tamil Tigers flags visible at the event, he replied: “I came out of the bus, I don’t even know. I don’t even notice anything.”

…and then the NatPo dropped all that hardball questioning.  Possibly because he took the bus.  So green…

Let’s see if we can’t share some of his difficulty in spotting those terrorist flags in this YouTube video in which the camera is often blocked by the many Tamil Tiger flags that come between it and Malhi’s face.  Here’s a hint:  the Tamil Tiger flags are the ones practically knocking him over, directly in front of him, beside him, every which way…

Well they sure nailed him on that.  They then apparently figured they should cut the guy a break and stop asking so many hard questions, since he’s only been an MP for 15 years and might not know better.  I wonder if they or anyone in the media asked or will ask Michael Ignatieff if the official position of the Liberal Party is to fully support all manner of terrorist organizations, now.  You know, the way they thrust the Klieg lights in Stephen Harper’s face and tendentiously ask him to issue forth either a full apology, or a recitation of party policy (which they edit out of their story anyway) whenever a Conservative says something conservative, or something else which the media doesn’t approve.

Don’t worry, readers.  In their article, the NatPo claims Gurbax Malhi was “slammed” for appearing at the Tamil Tiger rally on Parliament Hill.  “Liberal MP slammed for appearance at Tamil Tigers rally” reads the headline. 

Slammed?  By who?  Not by the National Post in either the news article or their editorial page.  Not by any other Liberals. No, not Michael Ignatieff, whom they didn’t even question.  And not by any you’ve got to be kidding party members.  So slammed by who, then?  Call me crazy, but I think it’s important to know who’s on Canada’s side. 

Ah.  He was slammed by a Conservative.  And just a Conservative.  That’s who was standing up for Canada.  No wonder they didn’t mention the word “Conservative” even once in their whole article.  Not even “Tory”.  Not once.  Of course this article was written with the help of the same journalist David Akin, who I noted the other day slammed the Conservative Finance Minister in a news article, writing, “Finance Minister Jim Flaherty loves to thunder at Opposition politicians that the top priority for the federal government is to make sure Canada’s financial system is working.” 

So a nondescript, no-name party properly “slams” Liberals for supporting terrorists, and Conservatives “thunder” (actually, “love to thunder”) their party policy in the House.  Got it.  Please note that Gurbax Singh Malhi, Liberal MP for Bramalea-Gore-Malton, did no such thing as “lov[ing] to thunder”.  He in fact was described by the NatPo as “speaking at a rally”, and “telling demonstrators”. 

Gurbax Malhi has his Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science. 

Vote Liberal.  Get more like this.

EXTRA:  Also see:
Canadian pleads guilty to buying missiles for Tamil Tigers

TORONTO — A Toronto man pleaded guilty in New York on Monday to attempting to purchase Russian heat-seeking missiles and hundreds of AK-47 assault rifles for the Tamil Tigers guerrillas….


Joel Johannesen
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