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Ann Coulter’s new column posted in our columnist section

Ann Coulter’s new column picks up on all my fascination with the Ward Churchill affair, and naturally makes it even more fun.

She shyly calls it SITTING BULL-S***.  Apparently this week Ann is taking an inimical stance on a liberal rather than her normally very kind and gentle approach.

Here’s a snippet:

If Ward Churchill loses his job teaching at the University of Colorado, he could end up giving Howard Dean a real run for his money to head the Democratic National Committee.

Churchill already has a phony lineage and phony war record — just like John Kerry! (Someone should also check out Churchill’s claim that he spent Christmas 1968 at Wounded Knee.) In 1983, Churchill met with Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi and later felt it necessary to announce that his group, the American Indian Movement, “has not requested arms from the Libyan government.” In 1997, he was one of the “witnesses” who spoke at a “Free Mumia” event in Philadelphia on behalf of convicted cop-killer Mumia Abu-Jamal.

Come to think of it, Churchill could give Hillary a run for her money. All that’s left for Churchill to do now is meet with Al Sharpton and kiss Suha Arafat.

Churchill’s claim that he is an Indian isn’t an incidental boast, like John Kerry pretending to be Irish. It is central to his career, his writing, his political activism. Churchill has been the co-director of the American Indian Movement of Colorado, the vice chairperson of the American Indian “Anti-Defamation” Council, and an associate professor and coordinator of American Indian Studies at the University of Colorado.

By Churchill’s own account, a crucial factor in his political development was “being an American Indian referred to as ‘chief’ in a combat unit” in Vietnam, which made him sad. This is known to con men everywhere as a “two-fer.”

Read the whole column! (Like you weren’t going to anyway.)

Joel Johannesen
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