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VIDEO: Americans: watch this short film on Canada’s abhorrent healthcare system

Filmmaker Stuart Browning of On The Fence Films sent me this short (4 1/2 minute) film a few days ago.  It’s about, well, ultimately it’s about why liberals—often ideological socialist-thinking people with hidden agendas—should never be allowed to control anything, particularly anything as important as our basic health care and that of our families. 

As Canadians already know, Canada has a decrepit North Korean-style healthcare system in which Canadians are not allowed, by law, to pay for their own basic healthcare and that of their families.  The state determines who will get health care, and why, and when, and how long they will have to wait, which is sometimes months or years for even life-threatening illnesses. 

But worse than that, because it is purely and strictly government controlled, it is a system in which governments with political agendas —sometimes driven by the need to promote liberal-left causes like the very healthcare system they created because they’ve staked so much of their political capital on it; but also abortion, and as you’ll see in this film, even the homosexual agenda —they thus make terrible decisions regarding the health of citizens. 

So, for example, the liberals who created, promote, defend the system and demand that we maintain the system at any cost to the taxpayer whatsoever, despite its having been proven to be an utter failure, they shun any private-sector user-pay clinics that cater to any healthcare (I believe that’s because the private sector would save the system, and of course liberals are against that because it would render so much of what they’ve stood for, and half of their reason for being, a total farce).  But in a revealing irony, they have absolutely no problem whatsoever with private abortion mills being set up (abortions, by the way, being completely unlimited by any abortion laws whatsoever, thanks to liberals, and something which they demand the taxpayer pay for too, of course.  Liberals call these abortions, whether privately or publicly procured, a “Canadian value”.  Again that’s “Canadian value”.) 

So far, when elected, supposedly conservative-minded governments (few and far between in Canada) have demonstrated an extremely limited or utterly non-existent political will and determination to change the system one iota, and so basically they simply cave to the left and continue to feed the socialist monster more and more money every year without changing a thing (except the rhetoric, of course).  That’s the slippery slope effect.  It just gets bigger and more all-encompassing, every year.  For example, Canada’s current Conservative government’s latest budget doesn’t change the system at all, and in fact bolsters it by feeding it billions more taxpayer dollars, just as liberals before them have always done. 

Watch this latest short film for an every day example of how America’s healthcare system could go terribly wrong, very quickly, if liberals are allowed to have their way with it.  Bear in mind that the situation depicted in this film is not terribly unique at all.  Similar stories are legion. 

Click the play arrow in the lower left to play video
(4 minutes 32 seconds)

You might also want to view this previous one by Stuart Browning.


Joel Johannesen
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