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Americans on morals

Liberals in Canada think our morals are improving.  “Improving”, to liberals, means legalizing prostitution, legalizing pot-smoking, spending our nations’ treasure on taxpayer-funded abortions without any limitations at all whatsoever, state-run media, state-run daycare and indoctrination programs, social programs to reduce productivity and inhibit personal responsibility, patronage appointments to every facet of government and the judiciary, high taxes, huge governments, Liberal Party payoffs to citizens and corporations in order to get them addicted to the Liberal Party, promoting gay marriage, being anti-American, being anti-religion, and of course refusing to defend our nation militarily and promote freedom and democracy throughout the world. 

That’s liberal.  That’s “progressive”.


Overall, 77 percent of Americans think the country’s moral values are on the decline—a figure that has risen 10 points in three years. There is a partisan gap, however. The number stands at 82 percent among Republican respondents and 72 percent among Democrats.

Democrats are more optimistic about American morality. The poll found that 18 percent of Democrats felt the moral climate was improving, compared with 14 percent of Republicans. Overall, 16 percent of respondents said the nation’s moral climate was improving.

Meanwhile, the estate of marriage stands sacrosanct in America, Gallup found.

According to the survey, the biggest no-no of all remains the illicit affair: 93 percent of Americans find romantic dalliances between married men and women morally unacceptable.

Support for the death penalty is on the rise and at “its highest point to date,” said Joseph Carroll of Gallup. About 70 percent of Americans think the death penalty is morally acceptable. The figure has risen steadily since 2001, when it stood at 63 percent.

The nation’s judgment on abortion is in flux. A slim majority of Americans do not support abortion—with 51 percent calling it morally wrong, 40 percent accepting it and 8 percent saying their opinion “depends on the situation.”

Four years ago, 45 percent called abortion wrong, 42 percent accepted it and 11 percent felt the judgment hinged on the situation.

A majority felt “homosexual relations” were unacceptable, with 52 percent of the respondents disapproving.

More public tolerance was shown for other behaviors and their attendant outcomes. The poll found 66 percent accepted divorce, 58 percent accepted sex between unmarried men and women, and 54 percent did not have a problem with children born out of wedlock—a figure that has risen 11 points in the past three years. […]

Joel Johannesen
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