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All Hail The Media! For They are Great!

As “conservativegal” wrote to me this morning, the media both in the U.S. and here are making complete jackasses of themselves in this Dick Cheney secret sniper caper. 

As I replied to her and others, it’s very revealing of the level of respect the media demands of people who actually command respect.  It betrays their inflated sense of self-importance which no other man, woman, or even obstinate child possesses in either of our otherwise great countries.

The hideous liberal mainstream media proclaims a self-styled “right to know” everything under the sun comes before every other consideration on the face of the earth.  They then take whatever (apparently) God-given knowledge they gain, and spin the bajeezus out of it until it’s six counties away from reality and has been morphed into a twisted artwork befitting a museum of muck. 

As noted media expert and favorite columnist Brent Bozell said in his column today,

[…] What really shocked people was the way our Cheney-hating press corps went crazy with it. The Big Three networks aired 34 stories in the first 48 hours of evening and morning newscasts.

They treated this not as a mishap, and then a punchline, but as a brewing national scandal. The 18-hour delay in alerting the media! The failure to pay a $7 hunting stamp! “Questions remain”! “White House under fire”! “Growing political fallout”! The focus of the story quickly shifted from an embarrassed Cheney to the shamelessly egotistical press corps.

Look no further for a poster boy for egotism than NBC White House reporter David Gregory, who was captured in an untelevised morning “gaggle” in the briefing room Monday morning yelling at Bush spokesman Scott McClellan. First, he accused the spokesman of “ducking and weaving,” leading McClellan to quip that he should emote later, when the cameras were on.

“Don’t accuse me of trying to pose to the cameras!’’ Gregory shot back. “Don’t be a jerk to me personally when I’m asking you a serious question!’’ McClellan said, “You don’t have to yell,” and Gregory replied, “I will yell! If you want to use that podium to try to take shots at me personally, which I don’t appreciate, then I will raise my voice, because that’s wrong!’’

Plain people across both counties are learning a lot about their media—stuff they already knew to be sure—but getting a reinforcement of it.  Which is good.

Because the only thing you can trust less in this country after liberal-left politicians, are their media.  And make no mistake.  It is their media. has a good take on it.

Joel Johannesen
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