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Tea party protesters drown out CNN reporter, demanding: “TELL THE TRUTH!”

It’s not just Congressmen demanding that President Obama tell the truth.  People in this video are demanding that all the various divisions of the progressive left tell the truth and end the corruption. 


From: J. B.
Sent: Saturday, September 12, 2009 7:48 PM
Subject: Have you seen this, Joel.

How great to hear people demand the media ‘tell the truth!’ and drown out a CNN journalist [with] chants of “Glenn Beck!” 


Hi J.B.

Great!  I wish people would do that against CBC reporters and the others.  I’m increasingly hating the “politeness” that Canadian liberals have insisted is The Canadian Way, until they need to get their own point across, at which time they instantly turn into intolerant rude ignorant liars and activists who organize busloads of screamers and shriekers with their pre-made signs and who arrange for the extremely compliant media to film and dutifully report positively about them in their massive but blatantly obviously “astroturf” street protests, even while calling their opponents “angry”, “mobs”, and “teabaggers” and “Nazis” and “astroturf” “whiners”. 

We need to turn their own weapons against them.  It’s how I would fight the war on terror too, by the way.

People should confront and protest the mainstream media — and the government — exactly like in that video, here in Canada.  Here we could call it the Red Rose Tea Party, since as they say, “it’s only available in Canada”.  That way it would satisfy the liberal-left’s precious “Canadian Content” “Canadian Value” dictum, and be eligible for a taxpayer grant like the “artists” get, and being so Canadian, it would have to be broadcast on the state-owned CBC news channel all day long like Michael Moore movies.  (We can do this only long as Red Rose doesn’t advertise on the CBC, or hasn’t received a taxpayer bailout or other government welfare.  See below). 

People really need to stand up for what they know is right, wake up and push-back against the corruption and lying and blatantly anti-conservative, pro-liberal-left bias and misinformation and progressive/Fabian socialist agenda-driving which is rampant in the liberal-left media today in Canada, as well as in government, and in just about every union, and the many other like-minded left-wing special interest groups, many of which are now actually supported by our own tax dollars.  Like “artists”. And abortionists.  And Chrysler and GM workers.  And CBC employees.  And gay pride parade organizers.  And the you’ve got to be kidding party.

I hope people also make sure they don’t support companies who advertise on and therefore support what I call the Fabian socialist media, since as I think I’ve pointed out before, I think they’ve increasingly become political agenda-drivers and liars posing as legitimate, objective news organizations.  It seems to me it’s otherwise an endorsement of socialism and it’s an endorsement of their political agenda and lying to achieve left-wing political ends. 

For example, and this may be totally unrelated or it may not be (I’ll let you decide), but for years I’ve tried to expose the corrupt liberal-left media, and for months now I’ve kept a list along the right side of this web site, under the graphical heading of “PUSH BACK”, of some of the companies and organizations that advertise on the state-owned CBC.  It would be great if people helped me by joining in that effort and supporting this web site.

Have a great day!

Joel Johannesen
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