Friday, May 17, 2024

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Newspaper apologizes for “error” in anti-Harper, character assassination attempt “news story”

Innocent error?  Or deliberate falsification?  I think I’ll go with the latter. 

Page A-1 of the Saint John Telegraph-Journal, today, in which they apologize to Prime Minister Harper for their unethical behavior, which I take to mean outright lies;  and for their low standards of journalism, which I take to mean they’re mostly interested in putting out completely biased, anti-conservative crap, instead of what they pretend is news.  And in which they apologize to the reporters whose work the editors meddled with;  but not to Canadians, whose respect they apparently don’t care one whit about, and whose minds they purposely tried to screw with misinformation, but were caught.  (I added my highlighting and my commentary/opinion/satire in red.  I take it it’s OK to do this since that’s what they sort of did.):

Telegraph-Journal apologizes to Prime Minister [but not to Canadians for misleading them on purpose and for the character assassination attempt against the Conservative Prime Minister, hopefully with deleterious affects on conservatives generally, and if at all possible, on all Christians.]

On Wednesday, July 8, 2009, the Telegraph-Journal published a story about the funeral mass celebrating the life of former Governor-General Romeo LeBlanc that was inaccurate and should not have been published [this is approximately the 8,000th such story which should not have been published, but we’ve actually lost track, but whad are ya gonna do?]. We pride ourselves in maintaining high standards of journalism and ethical reporting [no really, we really really do, no seriously], and regret this was not followed in this case. [It took nearly three weeks to figure this out, but hey, whad are ya gonna do?]

The story stated that a senior Roman Catholic priest in New Brunswick had demanded that the Prime Minister’s Office explain what happened to the communion wafer which was handed to Prime Minister Harper during the celebration of communion at the funeral mass. The story also said that during the communion celebration, the Prime Minister “slipped the thin wafer that Catholics call ‘the host’ into his jacket pocket”.

There was no credible support for these statements of fact [so they’re still “facts”?]  at the time this article was published, nor is the Telegraph-Journal aware of any credible support for these statements [of “fact”?] now.  Our reporters Rob Linke and Adam Huras, who wrote the story reporting on the funeral, did not include these statements in the version of the story that they wrote. In the editing process, these statements were added without the knowledge of the reporters and without any credible support for them[The “editing process” is what the liberal media call it when they massage the story to screw conservatives, Christians if possible, and ultimately Canadians generally, in order to get more liberals and leftists elected, and to mold the culture leftward manifestly.  But whad are ya gonna do?]

The Telegraph-Journal sincerely apologizes to the Prime Minister for the harm that this inaccurate story has caused [but like the harm’s done, so whad are ya gonna do?].  We also apologize to reporters Rob Linke and Adam Huras and to our readers for our failure to meet our own standards of responsible journalism and accuracy in reporting.  [But not to Canadians, whom we intend to keep screwing all day long.  Vote liberal.]

Maybe the Saint John Telegraph-Journal needs “stimulus” cash from the Harper government (via taxpayers but only the “rich” ones, don’t worry) and a taxpayer bailout (from the “rich”, capitalists —they’re pigs, wink!) to help them recover from, uh, “this, the worst recession since, um, Julius Caesar”,  which Harper and Bush the neo-con war criminals created, after causing 9-11 and then killing at least, oh, let’s say “one million”  “innocent civilians” —mostly “children” (“sources say”!  —wink!) —in Iraq;  and after Harper and Bush personally caused the current global financial crisis to boost their, oh I don’t know, investments in weapons factories;  and for being so, so stupid;  and after Sarah Palin stole all their money because she’s so stupid too and eats endangered moose —when she’s not pregnant, that pro-life low-life trailer trash idiot!;  and after the 100,000 totally justified abortions are done for the year; and Obama is adored by all, and the “man-made global warming” debate is completely stifled once and for all, gay marriage is forcibly embraced by all, and well there’s just so many possibilities here. 

The paper is owned by J.K. Irving.  Hey see this news story —weird coinkidink!:
“Another Liberal minister admits visiting Irving lodge”… and flying on Irving jets…. but whad are ya gonna do?…

Joel Johannesen
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