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UPDATED: STORY CHANGED! CTV thinks “right-wing” means “racist” or “fascist”; possibly like “Hitler”

…And to the CTV and the Associated Press, it varies only in the degree to which the “right-wing” is racist and hateful. The more “right-wing” you are, according to the CTV, the more despicable and “fascist” you may be. And inserting a bit of Obama-speak (who said on the campaign trail that folks who vote Republican are simply “clinging to their guns and religion”) into the mix, they claim that people vote that way (“extreme right-wing” and “fascist”) out of some sort of irrational “anger” and “apathy” amidst these economically uncertain times.

And of course, it betrays their utter ignorance — or worse—their outright deception and perfidy — in redefining what is actually, historically, a piece of left-wing baggage — not right wing.  For example, the best examples of racism and nationalism and “fascism” we have in our modern history were Hitler and Mussolini, and they were both far-left socialists and racists and nationalists, and virtually nothing about them speaks to their being “right-wing”.  Now unless “socialist” has also been redefined by today’s media and teachers and history book-writing geniuses to mean “right-wing”, and we are all supposed to stand on our heads when we read the news now, socialist still means “left-wing” to me.  And Hitler and Mussolini were extreme left-wingers.

Britain’s far-right wins first two seats in EU vote

Updated Mon. Jun. 8 2009 11:33 AM ET
The Associated Press

LONDON—A British far-right party won its first-ever parliamentary seats in European Union elections as the extreme right advanced in several countries across the continent on a volatile mix of apathy, anger and economic uncertainty.

The British National Party, which does not accept nonwhite members and calls for the “voluntary repatriation” of immigrants, won two of Britain’s 72 seats in the European Parliament, final results showed Monday.

In the news article, they go so far as to directly equate what they call this “right-wing” and “extreme right-wing” vote with… Hitler!  And Nazis! They do this by quoting a reliable source:  some Joe Six-Pack guy in the street who labels them as such, thereby doing the media’s dirty propaganda deeds for them (this way they can claim that it wasn’t them in the media making the equivalent comparison to Nazis and Hitler, but rather …it was just some citizen we quoted!):

“I find it very disturbing,” said Roy Hunjan, 70, a retired health worker from Birmingham in central England. “They’re trying to give a very different image but basically they’re the same as the Nazi party.

“When the economy goes wrong, people look for a scapegoat like Hitler was looking at the Jews.”

image They should interview Jonah Goldberg.  Or even read the (surprisingly) relatively more moderate report at the socialism-reliant, state-owned and normally off-the-charts anti-conservative, left-wing-promoting CBC, where they merely (though still half wrong) refer to the racists and nationalists as “right-wing” and “fringe” parties, rather than as “extreme right” and (therefore) “Hitler”-like and “fascist”.

The innocent citizen has been inculcated by the media (like CTV) over the years;  by stories exactly like the media’s story in this case, which labels all these parties “right-wing” and “fascist”.  Why can’t racists and nutbars be left-wing in the media reports?  Or indeed “far-left” or “extreme” left as in the case of Hitler and Mussolini?  Because they’re lying to you to deceive you. They’re re-writing history.

It’s Orwellian.

Another example from today’s news:

In an April story that CTV reported on about the former genocidal communist Cambodian dictatorship of Pol Pot, the Khmer Rouge, they don’t once refer to it being even remotely “left-wing”.

And picking up on a new angle to that story today, CBC reports that same story on the Khmer Rouge, which is another historical example of a far-left fascist dictatorship.  Outright communists.  Hateful, despicable, genocidal; and leftist.

But nowhere in their stories do either of them even once refer to them as being “left-wing”, “far-left”, “extreme left”, “leftists”, or anything “left” whatsoever.

On CTV News Channel later this morning, anchor Sandie Rinaldo further lowered the bar of intellectual honesty and truth, and called the two members of BNP who were elected and were previously referred to (as above) as “extreme right-wing” and “fascists” (and so on), as simply “right-wing”.  You know, just like Conservatives!  So now all “right-wing” folks are in the category of “fascists” and “Nazis”.  Cute!

Here’s the exact transcript of part of an exchange between Sandie Rinaldo and reporter Tom Kennedy in the UK:

Sandie Rinaldo (after playing a clip of the victorious BNP leader who won two seats, and after speaking generally about the BNP and its nationalist flavor and casting them as racist nutbars):  “So for the first time, a right-wing party wins two seats in the European Parliament.  Why vote for these individuals?  What does it say about what’s going on in Britain right now?”

Have you noticed there is no such thing as “extreme left”?  There are no “left-wing extremists”.  Only “right-wing extremists” and “extreme right-wingers”, which can further devolved, as explained above, into “fascists”, and “Nazis”.  Or, perhaps, if Rinaldo’s attitude is any indication, simply “right-wing”.

imageUPDATE #2:

The AP story which did appear at, to which I referred and quoted from, above, has now been completely replaced with a more toned-down version, in which they speak of “Conservatives” and “center-right” parties, and changed the headline.  The URL remains exactly the same.  But the story is altogether different.  The words “extreme” and “fascist” now don’t appear even once.  The original reader comments still refer to “fascists” and “extremists” as used in the story, but the story is completely different now!

The “last updated” time stamp on the CTV story is now 2:12 PM Eastern.  I wrote my post at 12:52 PM Eastern.

I have a copy of the original.


The brilliant Conservative member of the European Parliament, Daniel Hannan (see one of the best speeches you’ll ever see HERE at THIS blog entry: “And they call that one, Obama, the good speaker?  Meet Daniel Hannan”), says some of what I said today. He was on the Glenn Beck show.

There’s also a good transcript of Hannan’s appearance on Glenn Beck’s radio show today, available HERE, in which they discuss this more.

Joel Johannesen
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