Wednesday, May 1, 2024

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BC Sex Party gets one seat from grade school minions

Alongside the BC election on Tuesday, school teachers arranged for the kids to have their own little play election in the grade schools. 

I know why. 

In the left-wing indoctrination centers we call schools, they teach them about sex, how to put on a condom (and probably about the freely available abortions too, since they’re closely related), gay is A-OK, socialism is good, that whole “God” and “Jesus” thing is exactly the same as Disney’s fairy tales, Suzuki and Gore are pseudo deities (break for prayers to them, the so-called “separation of church and state” be damned in this one instance), Bush lied/kids died, the government will save you, and here’s how to vote.  (But naturally they don’t teach kids how to balance a checkbook or how to run a profitable business—or the value of running a profitable business.) 

So like the liberal media and their incessant telephone polling, the schools occasionally have to test their progress.  Then like the media, they adjust their messaging accordingly. It works beautifully.  It’s school testing, and the Fraser Institute’s resulting school report cards that they detest.

The outcome of their “election” helped prove my spot-on contention that our kids in state-owned, state-run public schools are being instructed by activist left-wing—socialist and “green” mostly—school teachers (actually, I’ve adopted the Coulterism and call teachers liberal-left “clerics”, in deference to their inherent membership in the Church of Liberalism). 

A scan of the results show they voted far more like I imagine their clerics voted, than their own parents.  This is the desired effect.  It will increasingly be the case.  The contention is that the teachers left it totally up to the parents to inform their kids as to the issues.  Imagine the outcome if they didn’t. 

In the real world, only 8 percent of the parents voted for the Green Party thankfully earning them no seats, but the compliant school kids voted for Greenies by a margin of 26.3 percent, earning them 8 seats.

And while the grownups voted in the greatest number for the least (viable) left-wing party (sadly that’s the Liberals, not the BC Conservatives), the school parishioners kids only voted 29 percent in favor of the Libs and leader Gordon Campbell, earning them just 27 seats (compared to their parents’ actual vote of 46 percent, earning them 49 seats). 

Meng’s classmate, Filip Stajic, added they were voting so they could have a good leader in B.C., which he classified as being “not Gordon Campbell.”

Vancouver Sun

The kids’ big winner was the province’s far left —the socialist NDP, earning them a whopping 44 seats compared to their actual win of 36.  In school-child world, the NDP would have been massive winners, while in fact, the Liberals won handily. 

In total, the kids voted Green or NDP by a margin of 63%, far exceeding their own parents, who the teachers promise were the only ones offering guidance on issues. 

And this is just the beginning of course, since the mind-shaping only begins in grade school.  It’s further enhanced in high school, after which the students are allowed to vote in real elections, and the crescendo reaches its climax in college and university, where students are finally full-on conservative/capitalism/Christ-haters, after which many of them become teachers.  Rinse and repeat. 

According to the well-educated kids in Vancouver’s West End, the Sex Party won their hearts and minds. It’s just a minor adjustment that’s needed here.


Joel Johannesen
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