Tuesday, May 7, 2024

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A Canadian captain of socialist industry—a CBC producer—opines on govt ownership of GM

Back in March, Don Pittis, senior producer of CBC News Business (forgive for a moment the obvious CBC/business oxymoron), wrote another editorial at CBC.ca.  Yes, comrades, they have official state opinion columnists spouting opinions at the people’s web site, the CBC.ca, just like here at this privately owned and run web site!  It was called “Looking for alternatives to a broken capitalism”.  In it he wrote, “As capitalism goes from failure to failure, there is a rising chorus saying that this is the time to replace a failed ideology.” 

Sounds like typical CBC fare, but moreover, holy “failed ideology”, Batman! 

imageThat streak of multi-colored but mostly red flame you just saw was the massive shooting star of irony zipping right over Don Pitts’ head.  This “rising chorus” he speaks of is being conducted by the likes of his own socialism-reliant employer, the broken (utterly failed, actually), state-owned, state-run, billion-dollar-per-year taxpayer-funded sinkhole, the CBC.  They are in fact the socialist choirmaster in this country. 

His latest column, posted just yesterday at the CBC.ca, is even (unwittingly) funnier.  Complete with that funky if overused vituperation against socialism commonly found amongst us normal capitalists— using a K instead of a C in “Amerika”, to wit:  “Chrysler and GM: Amerika’s new Lada factories” —he goes on to lament government-owned car companies like the Soviet’s Lada, in light of Obama’s (and Harper’s) government taking ownership and control of some of the biggest means of production in our land. 

He never refers to the CBC as the KBK.  In fact he never refers to the CBC.  (See?  The “progressive” Fabian socialism is working!)

Here are some notable lines, in which he apparently forgets, if for a moment, that he is posting this on a failed, socialist, 100% state-owned, government media web site, which exists for utterly no reason, which promotes a (failed) socialist agenda and ideology, competes against far superior private enterprise, and which further helps bust capitalism as a general matter:

· My first encounter with socialist automotive manufacturing was in the 1980s. …

· As a student newspaper editor in Montreal the leftist image of driving a Russian car gave me great prestige

· It was reputed to be as heavy as a Volvo, the joke being that the Soviets didn’t yet have the technology to make metal thin…

· About a decade later, I bought my second government-made car in Oxford, England…

· When I got a more reasonable job, I traded the Horrible Metro in on a fully capitalist late-model Ford Fiesta. It was like climbing off a donkey and mounting a stallion…

Once your head stops hurting due to the strain of trying to accept this state-paid commentary from one of the captains of socialism in this country, his CBC-ignoring penultimate conclusion is, of course, exactly the wrong “lesson” for us in the lowly proletariat (not that he has learned his own “lesson”): 

The lesson, if there is one, is this. Whether a company is government owned is not as important as the reason why it is government owned.

The Soviets, struggling to create an industrial economy out of pre-industrial feudalism, built cars because they were wanted. They were never able to satisfy demand. The British government’s purpose was different. It wanted to preserve jobs and preserve tradition, making Metros when people would have preferred something else.

The reason that, over time, private business succeeds while government corporations linger near death for years, is that private businesses, when outgunned, are supposed to die. Government companies can be legislated into a living death and can continue to wander the earth as zombies for years after their best-before date.

Did he not see the last viewership numbers that I posted, showing that the CBC is watched by nearly nobody?  Or the forty such charts I’ve posted before that over the years?  Apparently not only do “government companies” wander the Earth as zombies, but their “corporate” minions do too.  I believe this is sort of what the socialist Lenin meant by “useful idiots”. 

imageMaybe Pittis could write-up a column next week about the socialism-reliant, failed, unwanted, unneeded, not-at-all-in-demand CBC and its huge taxpayer-funded, government-owned web site, and why it isn’t supposed to die.  Surely he isn’t about “preserving jobs or traditions”, and thereby admitting his corollary that the CBC provides something “when people would have preferred something else”.  If he and the CBC were about “preserving jobs and traditions”, he would suggest the CBC bow out of existence gracefully (die), and let capitalism thrive and create jobs, rather than supporting a CBC which pokes sticks at capitalism by virtue of its very existence, and in most every other way that the CBC can.  As such, they’d be actual boosters of capitalism and entrepreneurship instead of big governments and “companies” like their own selves, which directly compete against traditions like good old Canadian capitalism, and the big traditional job-producer, the private (capitalist) sector, which tends to produce superior goods and services (and actually does, in this very genre). 

He could start by asking himself this, as I often ask out loud and here at PTBC:  What kind of government competes against its own citizens in business, or equally as bad, in the forum of ideas —particularly political ideas? 

And by the way, here’s a real “lesson” worth learning.  It’s how to fix a “broken system”, which, by the way is exactly not capitalism:  Get the government off our backs.  Stop government meddling in our business.  Stop governments from social engineering.  Stop governments from intruding in and regulating and managing every aspect of our lives.  Stop governments from growing exponentially to the point of near-totalitarianism.  Stop taxing our citizens to death.  Stop engineering a government-based replacement for our traditional, foundational base of family, and God;  and our sense of personal responsibility and our once great Canadian pioneering and entrepreneurial spirit.  And here’s a big one: stop governments from competing against its own citizens. 

And of course my ubiquitous mantra:  state-owned and state-run media should be banned in this country, and that notion enshrined in our constitution.  We might also add an amendment prohibiting governments from engaging in and competing against citizens in business, or in the forum of ideas.  These would be real capital ideas —not kapital ideas.


Joel Johannesen
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