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So-called Conservatives now set to regulate even more private enterprise; refuses to regulate itself

image Conservative Finance Minister Jimmy Jack Flaherty, on his breathless announcement that he and his “Conservatives” plan to enact new far-left-style (but undefined) “regulations” on credit card companies, in light of the apparent fact that he sees Canadians as being mentally incapable of making sound, free-market choices in that awful capitalist world out there, as reported at  “We have regulatory power and we’re working on certain regulations, which I’ll be able to speak about publicly soon.” 

Are ya like me?  Did you read that and think he was mocking Jack Layton?

Alas, no, it’s more government regulation over our lives, and more expert bureaucratic nanny-state government meddling in our erstwhile capitalist system, in order to fix it.  Easy prediction: when this government meddling fails, which it will, they will then once again blame capitalism — not government — for the failure.  And insist on still more “regulation” —and government funds— to support the extra regulations.  And possibly an “oversight committee”.  And Layton will demand a Royal Inquiry, finally resolving that “nationalization” of the banks is the ultimate answer.image

I sure hope Flaherty speaks about this this extra regulation idea, as he promises to do, via the state-owned, state-run CBC (which by virtue of other fabulous government regulations is beamed into every Canadian home whether we want it or not), simply because it would be so fun —so quintessentially Canadian and socialist and “progressive” to do it on the state media!  So liberal-left fascist-like.  I love it when new government regulations are announced on the state-owned, state-run, state-funded, government-mandated media.  Yummy!

And of course doing it on the CBC would have that built-in Canadian humor in that Flaherty represents something called the “Conservative Party”, with its fraudulent advertising campaign in which they beg me for more of my supportive cash to fight those big-government Liberals and the big nanny-state-government socialist hordes, of which it turns out they are apparently every bit a part, in most every way. 

Meanwhile, I find that the CBC is the perfect (and apparently the only) source for this next story.  The same “Conservative” government that happily, proudly, speaks of regulating more of our lives and that of the business we operate, refuses to regulate itself.  The government intends to continue, as this next story illuminates, to literally ruin lives of citizens and whole families and their businesses in Canada, even while they remain totally unregulated and beyond reproach themselves.

The irony that the CBC is reporting this rather than a private citizen-owned news media, which you would think would be all over it, is rich, but again, ever so Canadian:

Revenue Canada refuses to pay for million-dollar mistake
Taxpayer led to believe Harper government would compensate him for losses
Last Updated: Wednesday, April 22, 2009 | 4:23 PM PT
By Kathy Tomlinson, CBC News

A B.C. taxpayer who fought the Canada Revenue Agency over a million-dollar tax bill he didn’t owe — and won — says the federal government misled him to believe he would be compensated for his financial losses.


Correspondence suggests Leroux’s MP, Conservative Dick Harris, was assured three years ago by the minister responsible that the government was prepared to compensate Leroux for Canada Revenue Agency errors that cost Leroux his business and his home. That settlement has not materialized.

“They took everything I was, everything I stood for, and destroyed it,” Leroux said.  …

No talk of regulation here though, to “protect citizens”.  It’s the credit card companies that the government needs to regulate to protect citizens from their own stupidity.  CRA isn’t stupid.  Government isn’t stupid.  Canadians are stupid!  See?

Irvin Leroux was apparently told by his Conservative MP that if he filed a lawsuit, the CRA could settle out of court.  Instead, in March, the CRA tried to have Leroux’s statement of claim thrown out of court.  That’s the unregulated government, in action, for the citizens. 

This is a story that exemplifies the total, massive, failure—and far worse—of government.  Pure government.  Nothing but government.  There is no way, no how, they (even their CBC division) can blame this on “capitalism”.  Or on “lack of regulation” (except of themselves).  This is big-government fraud and abuse of innocent, good citizens, on a massive, dangerous, and scary level. 

Where on earth is the citizen-owned national media on this?  Why on Earth did the Leroux family choose to tell their story to yet another branch of the very government that ruined their lives? 


Joel Johannesen
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