Sunday, May 12, 2024

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Globe and Mail story and reinforcing poll goes terribly wrong

Liberal fascism at work in the media; reminiscent of the recent bogus media handling of the “stem cell” (as opposed to embryonic stem cell) debate articles, the “man-made global warming” articles, and so much more…

Attempting, as I see it, to “prove” once again their bigoted, blinkered theory that conservatives—and moreover those idiot Christians—are a bunch of dumb-ass hicks who don’t know nuthin’, the Globe and Mail attempts, in an idiotic piece of pure crap front page journalism, to marginalize the clearly Christian federal Minister of State for Science and Technology, by asking him if he believes in evolution, which he refuses to answer. 

Proving once again how biased, and moreover, how stupid and uninformed about conservatives and Christians and science and evolution and Darwinian evolution that journalists and liberal-left media hacks are, they take this to mean he doesn’t, and that he only believes in creationism, and then they reflexively presume to take the position that this is wrong! wrong! WRONG!, and then go from there. 

It’s a news article!

Gary Goodyear, the federal Minister of State for Science and Technology was harangued and browbeaten in the article not just by the “reporter”, Anne Mcilroy,  but by “scientists” whom they dug up to interview for those extra ass-whooping rebuttal slams (and, they think, to garner more “street cred” for their article), who claim (regarding the theory of evolution), that “evolution is a fact”.  THE SCIENCE IS SETTLED!  THE DEBATE IS OVER!  AGAIN!  And then of course the CBC’s (wild guess as to their “origin”) tribe of left-wing media-nurtured and un-evolved God-haters and atheists clamored over to the Globe to comment on the article with their extremist God-hating (and by their own logical extension, Conservative-hating) guttural vitriol.

Well it’s shocking, given that level of open-minded scientific debate, that the Minister of State would decline to get into that argument with a bunch of ignorant provincial hacks exclusively from the far left-wing of the fringe atheist society, and the apparently atheist media. 

So open-minded, those tolerant big-tent inclusive liberal-leftist “progressives”! 

image Then they threw up a poll, and here’s how that went (see left).

In the meantime, the political scientists and journalistic scientists who run the Globe and Mail didn’t bother run a link to this YouTube video clip of President Bill Clinton, recently interviewed by medical doctor and CNN correspondent Sanjay Gupta, who explained to the world how he’s against using embryos which aren’t fertilized yet, for embryonic stem cell research. 

Even Gupta didn’t question that twice-made statement.  Good boy, Gupta. 

For the record, evolution is a fact;  and I believe in God; and the story of “Adam and Eve” and creationism is worthy of discussion although all those things are not the only options.  And I think Darwin and his unproven theory is dead wrong on many levels. 

And here’s some reading:
Godless: The Church of Liberalism  – by Ann Coulter.
I Dont Have Enough Faith To Be An Atheist —by Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek.
Liberal Fascism: The Secret History of the American Left, From Mussolini to the Politics of Change—by Jonah Goldberg.





Joel Johannesen
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