1. I got up at 3:30 AM, unable to sleep after reading about the latest liberal fascism taking hold in Canada. I wrote it up here (it’s below this entry).
2. Conservative popularity drops and Liberal Party popularity rises, after talk of possible federal deficit. Conservative support DRAMATICALLY PLUMMETS and Liberal support dramatically SKYROCKETS in Conservative-friendly west. This, according to the latest Nanos poll. And this is with the Liberal Party in temporary dissarray and without a leader, and before the Throne Speech in which a deficit was all but promised.
Ballot Question: For those parties you would consider voting for federally, could you please rank your top two current local preferences?
Committed Voters – Canada (N=865, MoE ± 3.4%, 19 times out of 20)
Conservative Party 32% (Down 6 points from election night results)
Liberal Party 30% (+4)
NDP 20% (+2)
Green Party 10% (+3)
BQ 9% (-1)
(*Note: Undecided 14%)
Committed Voters – Western Canada (N=299, MoE ± 5.7%, 19 times out of 20)
Conservative Party 38% (Down 14 points from election night results)
Liberal Party 27% (+11)
NDP 23% (+1)
Green Party 13% (+5)
(*Note: Undecided 14%)
Polling between November 11 and November 15, 2008. (Random Telephone Survey of 1,000 Canadians, 18 years of age and older).
3. Someone tell me how the new Sex Party of Australia is different from the Liberal Party or the you’ve got to be kidding party in Canada: Here’s some of their platform, using their own words, instead of the real words like “legalize and promote prostitution” and “sex-education for the young ones in public schools to get them having sex good and early” and of course the then required “free and easy state-funded abortions even overseas”:
· Support for an age-appropriate national sex education curriculum.
· Support gay marriage.
· Opposition to a government policy that bans overseas aid to any organization that provides abortion information.
· To hold a referendum to create mandatory equal numbers of women in the Senate and State Upper Houses.
· To enact national pregnancy termination laws along the same lines as divorce law — which allow for legal, no-fault and guilt-free processes for women seeking termination.
· Abolish sex slavery and sexual servitude by introducing non morality-based immigration policies that allow bona-fide sex workers to work legally in Australia.
4. In the passing lane, a passing thought: The Dow (and Toronto too) crashed even further today, without airbag protection. But at least we got an object lesson on how not to do, well, anything. For example: don’t show up before Congress asking for corporate welfare taxpayer bailout cash, cap in hand, in a private luxury corporate jet. Worse: three automotive executives from three companies all appearing at the same time, caps in hand, in separate private luxury jets. There are 24 daily nonstop flights from Detroit to the Washington area. … This will go down as one of the most ridiculous spectacles I’ve ever seen in my life. But then these are the geniuses who ran their industry into the ground by an utter lack of corporate foresight or even common sense, signing insane labor contracts along the way that they must have known were completely, ridiculously unachievable, even while collecting millions of dollars in salary and bonuses themselves. … I love capitalism. I can’t stand elitism and arrogance and idiocy. It’s why I’m a conservative and I like people like Sarah Palin. Put Sarah Palin in charge of one of those companies, shareholders.
5. I’m trying to create a “wiki” for our annual “It’s called Christmas” campaign, so folks can add their own good and bad stores and cities and towns and what nots vis-a-vis Christmas. But I pulled a Chrysler and didn’t use enough foresight and really require more time for this techno-project. So if it looks like it isn’t going to happen in time, I’ll revert to the time honored email from y’all method. … UPDATE: Can’t do it in time. Bailout needed. Or I’ll just get to work on Plan A again.
6. Yesterday I said (in Item #2) that al-Qaeda insulted the CBC. That was my reaction when I noticed that the CBC finally made a huge headline when al-Qaeda sent an insulting message to…. not George Bush (again), and not America generally (again), but to their ♥Barack Obama♥. Only THEN did they see an al-Qaeda insult as a huge feature-strength insult. … Today on Rush’s show, Rush said “By insulting President-Elect Obama, Al-Qaeda has finally insulted the Drive-Bys.” Yup.
- Proud To Be Canadian. But Maybe Not. - Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 2:07 pm
- Say something. - Friday October 25, 2024 at 6:03 pm
- Keep going, or veer right - Monday August 26, 2024 at 4:30 pm