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Friday Newsquips

Updated through the day – most recent added to bottom, today. Keep coming back. 

1. They have paid editors, proving I’m employable and in high demand, thus making my day:  CTV News:  “The near-month light sweet crude contract is up $1.07 at US$70.92 an ounce on the New York Mercantile Exchange on expectations the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries will move to cut production to support prices.”  …  With oil at $70.92 an ounce,  I’m glad I filled my tank earlier this week.  …  job seekers: Possible job opening at CTV proof-reader department. 

imageimage  2.  The liberals’ Globe and Mail division must—MUST!—review the new anti-Bush, Bush-hate-fest “film” made by the Bush-hating polemicist (and Michael Moore’s pseudogodfather), Oliver Stone.  It’s like a rule.  TorStar is there too.  CBC already covered it.  Like I had to tell you. Because we need more hate in this country. (SEE UPDATE a couple of items BELOW)

3. TRIVIA:  Oh and subtle BIAS.  CBC covered some of the humor from last night’s Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner involving most U.S. politicians.  CBC time spent showing clip of of McCain’s routine:  22 seconds.  Time spent covering Obama’s:  46.  UPDATE: Over on liberalvision CTV Newsnet: Clips of McCain: 27 seconds.  Clips of Obama:  47. 

image  4. CBC is officially on the HATE BUSH promotion train—this time covering —as “news”—the release of the Bush-hating movie “W” as a “news” segment, after just yesterday covering it on their “news” channel’s “entertainment” segment called “The Scene” —in which they flew the reporter, at taxpayer expense, down to New York so that they could record the director calling Bush a (and I quote) a “moron”.  Again that’s “moron”.  The CBC’s The Scene full-blown weekend show will feature the “Bush is a moron” interview in fuller HATE-ON glory for you, the Canadian taxpayer … Because we need more hate in this country. 

5. Headline:  “5 anti-sealing activists found not guilty”.  Duh.  It’s not like the protesters were protesting abortion

6. CBC Newsworld’s morning anchor (a word rich in its true double entendre), Nancy (“very interesting!!!”) Wilson, keeps saying that this-or-that “begs the question”, every time something raises a question.  No, Mizzz Wilson, it doesn’t “beg the question”.  I’ve gone over this before, but apparently Wilson doesn’t read PTBC (daily reads Huffington Post and Daily Kos and Media Matters are big sites with ever-so-much truthy news).  She doesn’t have a clue that she’s using the term totally wrongly, and apparently nobody at CBC knows either.  I wrote her up a few eons ago.  … but don’t worry, Bush is the moron

7. finds the need to write a “news” story about Sarah Palin appearing on Saturday Night Live this weekend.  CBC readers rush to express their HATE:  I can’t wait. Other skits to consider might be Cheney and a bulls’ eye target practice…  (Could—and no doubt should—be read two possible ways, but just in case, that CBC fan comment was approved by taxpayer-paid bureaucrats, in order to help bring us together as a nation.  And because there isn’t enough hate in our lives) …  and it’s at taxpayer expense … image
7 (b). NOT TO BE OUTDONE:  over at, on their version of that same story, a CTV fan writes, absolutely disgraceful that NBC and lorne michaels would stoop so low, desperate for ratings to allow this awful excuse for a human to get free air time….. …  Spread that HATE, liberals!  (But remember to keep BS-ing us about that famous liberal-left “tolerance” and “compassion” and “inclusiveness”!)  Liberals are so cute when they’re goaded to the point of sputtering brain poo-oozing rage. 

imageimage 8. As I flip through the news,  a PASSING THOUGHT… if, as the liberals and the liberals’ media division kept informing us dumb canooks during the election, the economic woes of all Canadians and how Harper should show how he “feels our pain” and their demands that he cry for the cameras like a liberal were the story, the big story, the only story, then why is it that just about the only thing I see featured on their front pages and their web sites’ front pages since ten minutes after the election are stories about the Liberal Party and its leadership woes? … OK—passing thought over… 

9. NOW, EVEN LIBERALS ARE STARTING TO GET IT: … The liberals’ law courts division social engineers and governs from the bench, again, in lieu of democracy, just as planned.  They do that daily (read carefully: as planned.  Why in tarnation do you think liberal and leftist governments work so hard at appointing liberals and leftists to the courts?).  Here’s a good synopsis of the latest incremental example from the Left Coast, as written in a Vancouver Sun column by the not-at-all-conservative columnist, Ian Mulgrew, about the “homeless” being allowed—by the court—to pitch tents in our parks. Camping-in-parks ruling is the kind of decision that saps public confidence in the courts …it was about stretching the legal process to make a political point. We have seen similar litigation recently over cuts to legal aid and over the supervised injection site—both motherhood issues on the left as much as homelessness. If you can’t get your policies adopted via the ballot box, try the courts. … Her grandstanding rhetoric might make a lot of softheaded liberal activists feel good, but judges don’t make social policy. Politicians do. …  Or so you’d think.  Where’s Mulgrew been all these years?  Anyway, welcome to our world as conservatives.  Oh look —he’s already left. 

image  image  10. BIAS isn’t limited to the news media—it’s rampant.  Like the plague.  .  The non-partisan Center for Media and Public Affairs did a survey of the political jokes told by late night talkers Jay Leno and David Letterman, to see how they “balanced” out.  Turns out they balance out better than the negative “news” stories told about McCain – Palin versus those against Obama – Biden on the CBC or any other Canadian news mediaHere’s their results (August 29 – October 2):  Jokes against McCain – Palin:  286.  Against Obama – Biden: 42.  Individually, it looked like this:  Jokes against McCain: 106.  Against Palin:  180.  Against Obama: 26.  And against Biden: 16.  So as you can see, that’s relatively balanced.  And as usual, the joke’s on YOU.



Joel Johannesen
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