This week’s Ann Coulter column, “OBAMA: LUCIFER IS MY HOMEBOY” hits some similar notes to this week’s Barbara Kay column, “Shoving abortion down doctors’ throats”: Small-L liberals, and abortion. And hypocrisy.
Here’s a snippet from the beginning of Ann’s, which if you read the whole thing, was largely about the beginning. Actually both Coulter and Kay’s were.
It’s another election season, so that means it’s time for Democrats to start uttering wild malapropisms about the Bible to pretend they believe in God!
In 2000, we had Al Gore inverting a Christian parable into something nearly satanic. Defending his nutty ideas about the Earth during one of the debates, Gore said: “In my faith tradition, it’s written in the book of Matthew, where your heart is, there is your treasure also.” And that, he said, is why we should treasure the environment.
First of all, people who say “faith tradition” instead of “religion” are always phony-baloney, “Christmas and Easter”-type believers.
Second, Jesus was making almost the exact opposite point, saying: “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on Earth,” where there are moths, rust and thieves, but in heaven, because, Jesus said, “where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
I guess that’s the kind of mix-up that can happen when your theological adviser is Naomi Wolf.
Then in 2004, Democratic presidential candidate and future Trivial Pursuit answer Howard Dean told an interviewer that his favorite part of the New Testament was the Book of Job. The reporter should have asked him if that was his favorite book in all three testaments.
And now in 2008, we have Democrats attacking Sarah Palin for being a Christian, while comparing Obama to Jesus Christ. (And not in the sarcastic way the rest of us do.) …
Don’t miss Theo Caldwell’s excellent piece and of course David Warren’s usual brilliance.
And more…
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