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Liberal media stays the course trying to smear Palin; IGNORES the Biden gaffe machine

Heather sends a good article including Democratic VP candidate Joe Biden gaffes, which the media somehow “missed” possibly because they’re totally in the tank for Obama, and HATE Sarah Palin because she’s ruining their agenda and exposing the liberals for the fraud and farce that they are (phew)

… One of Sen. Biden’s most enduring qualities is his tendency to say things he wishes he hadn’t. Already so far, he’s referred to his running mate as “Barack America,” referred to a future administration as a “Biden administration” and who last week at a rally shouted out to Missouri State Sen. Chuck Graham, “Chuck, stand up, let people see you.” (Sen. Graham is confined to a wheelchair.)

But while Biden’s reputation for being a one-man verbal wrecking crew is well-known, yesterday’s supposed gaffe may not have been. While in Nashua, N.H., Biden told the crowd, “Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States. … Quite frankly, it might have been a better pick than me.” (Ya think?) …

Hal Lindsey
World Net Daily

Also see (at World Net Daily):

L.A. Times rebukes ABC for distorting Palin remarks

Charlie Gibson misquotes governor, assuming she saw U.S. in ‘holy war’

Posted: September 12, 2008
1:37 pm Eastern
© 2008 WorldNetDaily

The Los Angeles Times was among the news outlets crying foul after ABC’s interview yesterday with Alaska Gov. …

And the LA Times is notoriously left-wing! 

That isn’t stopping CTV Newsnet from replaying today, over and over, a tiny clip of that interview, without also making any such similar effort at highlighting the distortions and overt bias and hideous smear effort on the part of “reporter” Charles Gibson of ABC News last night.  That part of it is the real news.  The real news is the egregious smear machine that the liberal media has become.

Meanwhile there is literally an army of liberal media and Democrats that have been airlifted into Alaska and who are currently fully occupying Alaska right now, still questioning every citizen they can find, to dig up all the dirt on her that they can, and when they can’t find any, they apparently invent it or toss it out as “rumors” (which reflexively get picked up by the likes of Neil Macdonald of the CBC  (—see “The CBC’s bogus smear on Sarah Palin” in the National Post this week).  She can’t be this normal.  She just can’t be!

But former Democratic Party adviser and former long-time Clinton aid and adviser Dick Morris has an explanation shared by many sane people who aren’t in the ideological and insultingly dishonest tank for Obama and liberals and Democrats. 


September 12, 2008

For two weeks, Democrats and their media allies have leveled scorching fire at Sarah Palin. It’s not having much effect, but they keep at it anyway.

The latest Fox News poll shows Palin with a 54-27 favorable/unfavorable ratio, which compares well with Barack Obama’s 57-36, John McCain’s 60-33 and Joe Biden’s 51-29. (Of the four, she’s the most popular).

Why do Democrats feel so threatened? They’ve even stopped attacking McCain and President Bush to launch a vicious and sexist barrage at her that would normally make a feminist angry and a Democrat blush.

Basically, it’s this: John McCain only endangers Democratic chances of victory this November, but Sarah Palin is an existential threat to the Democratic Party.

She threatens a core element of the party’s base – women.


Democrats can’t stomach seeing the feminist movement’s impetus for greater female political participation and empowerment “hijacked” by a pro-life woman who espouses traditional values. They must obliterate her, lest her popularity eat away at their party’s core.

So the Democrats are hysterical in their attacks on her. South Carolina’s Democratic Party chairwoman, Carol Fowler (wife of a national party chairman), said that the only qualification Palin had for vice president was that she hadn’t had an abortion. Tabloids are digging up dirt on Palin’s children. And liberal bloggers have suggested that Palin would neglect her children if she were elected (while the Democratic candidate has young children at home, too).

That liberals would resort to such blatant sexism shows their desperation.


She’s not popular because she’s a radical feminist or pro-choice advocate. It’s because she understands what it’s like to be a woman in 21st century America.

She’s never ascended to the elite, so she doesn’t need to stoop to conquer as most well-heeled feminist leaders must. She lives far from the plastic pseudoreality where a fossilized ideology substitutes for human compassion and empathy. As such, she rises above the slogans of both the left and the right and proposes to bring to Washington a dose of reality – a taste of real life.

She may become the first woman in national office – yet the Democrats, feminists and liberals can’t control her, and that burns them up.

Elections come and go, but Palin is a far more fundamental threat to the Democratic Party. And that’s why they fear her so.

[…Read the whole thing at the New York Post]


Joel Johannesen
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