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How liberals think - example 2,847

If it’s positive, it’s a negative, see.

Nothing good and natural can happen if it’s under a conservative’s watch—if it happens it’s because it all has to have been contrived and manipulated for it to happen. 

Happy = sad.
Right = wrong.
Winning = losing.
Positive = negative.

Then it suits their pessimistic, cynical world view. 

MSNBC’s “Hardball” host Chris Matthews suggested last night that the high point of President Bush’s State of the Union Address – the emotional hug between grateful Iraqi voter Safia Taleb al-Suhail and Janet Norwood, mother of a Marine who died liberating her country – was staged by the White House.

The cynical host apparently first voiced his skepticism during a commercial break. His comments were immediately seized upon by “Hardball” guest, MSNBC contributor Pat Buchanan when the show returned:

BUCHANAN: Well, I heard you talking, Chris. And I was a communications director. That was not a rehearsed moment.

I think Janet — that was one of the most moving things I have seen at a State of the Union address. That woman is Middle America. Her husband, I thought, was tremendously moving when he reached across and shook hands. There was nothing — there was nothing rehearsed about that. [END OF EXCERPT]

Matthews rolled a clip of the hug again, then accused Buchanan of “acting naive” for insisting that the hug wasn’t staged. []

And that’s how liberals think, example 2,847 in the series.

Joel Johannesen
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