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Vancouver Sun invokes Karl Rove to warn of “Tory” Republican-style “attack ads”

Hey!  Just like Dion and team Liberal does!  Huh!  That’s odd!  (By the way, can I call them “Grits” or do I have to refer to them formally as “Liberal Party” all the time?) 

Tory attack ads will sting premier

Miro Cernetig, Vancouver Sun
Published: Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Premier Gordon Campbell may have hoped to green-shift his way into a third term in government, trying to make his province a leader in saving the planet. He might want to glance at his hybrid’s rear-view mirror to see the political danger that is fast approaching.

Federal Conservative party strategists are preparing a national campaign of attack ads aimed at federal Liberal leader Stephane Dion’s plan to hit Canadians with a $15-billion carbon tax. Republican attack-ad master Karl Rove couldn’t have done better.

image Gosh I wonder if that “attack-ad master” Howard Dean (now Chairman of the Democratic National Committee, who was the keynote speaker at the 2006 Liberal Party leadership convention here in Canada—didja know that? Bet you didn’t) or little “attack-ad master” George Stephanopoulos (who now works as a news guy for ABC News attacking Republicans) could have done better than the Liberal Party of Canada’s attack ad against Canadians in which they aimed a gun directly at you and your children and then fired the gun at you, as a way to warn you not to vote Conservative.  (With a Conservative government, see, Canadians will cling to their hand guns and religion!  Or did I get that wrong?)


Of course we’ll never know if they could have done better because if I understand correctly, there is nothing tendentious or politically or editorially leading to be gained from mentioning Howard Dean or George Stephanopoulos in newspaper articles; and besides there is no such thing as “Democratic-style attack ads” (much as there is no “Christian Left”). 

There certainly wasn’t anything worth writing about when the several scary evil Liberal Party attack-ad machine from hell released ads in that gun blowing your head off vein in 2004 and in every election. 

If it’s any consolation, the Sun reporter sees fit to call Dion’s carbon tax a “so-called revenue neutral carbon tax”, unlike the CBC which started calling it Dion’s “so-called green shift”, much as they call it the “so-called war on terror”, but reverted to calling Dion’s plan a plain old “green shift” for some odd reason.  Maybe they got pissed off at the Harper Conservative Tory Republican-style Karl Rove attack ad machine, like the Vancouver Sun seems to be. (The CBC still calls the war on terror the “so-called war on terror”, or when they can fit it in, “the Bush administration’s so-called war on terror”. See here.)

imageBy the way, the warning about the coming Conservative Republican-style Karl Rove-like evil… is front page material in the Sun today.  There are no articles about the Dion Liberal socialist-style attack on Canadians and their wallets and their freedom, which Fidel Castro couldn’t have done better.


Joel Johannesen
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