Friday, May 3, 2024

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MUST READ: Lorne Gunter column in Nat Post: “Cynicism And Cowardice”

I constantly harp on the liberal-left’s incessant use of symbolism and feel-good or look-good symbolic gestures to achieve, well utterly nothing of course, but which looks or feels like something to the dumbitudinal set (other feel-good liberals and further leftists and sundry “progressives”). 

Lorne Gunter’s column today in the National Post on the Toronto Mayor David Miller and his symbolic effort to ban hand guns presents another excellent case in point. 

Cynicism And Cowardice

Why is David Miller promoting a gun ban that everyone knows won’t work? Because he’s too scared to actually get tough on crime

On Saturday, Toronto Star columnist Royson James wrote a column that was irrational and Toronto-centric even by the standards of the irrational and Toronto-centric Star.

In a nutshell, Mr. James’ thesis is that even though a ban on handguns in Canada would be largely ineffective at combating crime, Ottawa should enact one anyway since such a prohibition is popular in Toronto and would be a clarion symbol of our national commitment to ending violence; not to mention demonstrating our sympathy with the victims of gun crime.


Still, it is not surprising that Toronto Mayor David Miller is in favour of Canada adopting the same tactics that have failed in Washington, Chitown and elsewhere, rather than the successful tactics pioneered in NYC. He’s really only in this for the symbolism, for the appearance that he cares and is serious about finding a solution.

Read the whole thing (2 minutes)


Joel Johannesen
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