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Wednesday, February 26, 2025
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Study: Media IDs Spitzer as Democrat 20% of time; Craig and Vitter as “Republicans” 100% of time.

The superb Media Research Center has done the math down south.  It’s worse here.

Study: No (D) for Spitzer, Vitter and Craig Always Tagged as GOP

The big three broadcast networks have gone out of their way to avoid labeling scandal-scarred New York Governor Eliot Spitzer as a “Democrat.” An examination of the fifteen ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening news shows through Wednesday night finds Spitzer was called a Democrat just 20 percent of the time—twice on CBS, once on ABC, and never on NBC. So, how do the networks treat Republicans involved in sex scandals? Always, always as “Republicans.” Looking at the ABC, CBS, NBC morning and evening shows in the days after the most recent scandals broke, Republican Senators David Vitter (July) and Larry Craig (August) were labeled “Republican” on every show (100 percent). Yet for Democrat Spitzer, four out of five news programs (80 percent) have skipped his party identification.



Joel Johannesen
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