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The National Post’s Daily Hillarack for Saturday, February 23 2008

image As you know I’ve been sick this past week, so I’ve missed some of the National Post’s Daily Hillaracks, but here’s some of today’s. 

The front page of the weekend National Post (at left) “defines” their The Great Obama with a headline reading, helpfully, “Defining Obama”

If my math is correct, this is the 847th time they’ve “defined” Obama—each time as a modern man of impeccable clarity of thought and icon of change, and with an outstanding ability to stir up a crowd and attract the youth vote such that they all miraculously start to “believe” wherein they never done did that before and cause them to all obtain some ‘o that “hope” that their parents were incapable of instilling in them before… before The Great Obama stirred it up in them, God bless him, have a nice day. 

In juxtaposition, nobody in Canada ever knew who in tarnation that Mitt Romney fella from Massachusetts was, except that he was a Republican and Mormon.  (No not “moron”—that’s what they call Bush, silly!)

imageimageAt left, inside their pages, a haYUGE picture of their Hillary The Magnificent, looking fabulous and, as usual, ever so excited and clappy, over the headline “Hillary has a Point”! (And hey look Betty, there’s The great Obama in the background!). 

Over to the right, the ubiquitous picture of The Great Obama looking awesome—what with those awesome lights behind him and shot from down at His feet in order to make him look like a towering figure of leadership and strength (even though he’s more a 139-pound womanly structure).  “Glare of the spotlight”!  Ooh!  I’m so damn excited.

And note that today, there is actually one photo and mention of Republican John McCain, for once, but it’s a teeny tiny one that I had to zoom-in on to actually identify, and note also that it’s an accompaniment to a little advisory headlined “YOUNG MAN’s GAME: McCain looking to defy trend and be oldest to take the Oval Office”.  Well then.  (Liberals care so much about “trends”.) 


By the way I enjoyed this daily Hillarack example from the National Post’s Wednesday edition, in which they featured their Hillary The Magnificent over their “WORLD” banner, looking like she’s spreading social programs in much the same way that a farmer spreads feed to his chickens. 

Joel Johannesen
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