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U.K. Judge to rule: Schools must warn of Gore climate film bias

The same case should be heard here in Canada, where Canada’s liberal-leftists in politics, the environmentalist industry religion, the media, and in their churches—the public schools with their clerics the teachers—have ensured that the freak-out film is broadcast to nimble Canadian kids’ minds in schools. 

This is of course with the able financial help of far-left organizations connected to billionaire leftist Bush-hating political Democratic Party financier George Soros of, a sponsor of the far-leftist smear outfit Media Matters, the Tides Foundation, and other such far-leftist propaganda organizations that today’s modern Canadian “progressive” rely on for their propaganda, phony news stories, smears of conservative pundits, “learning tools”, and their general leftist talking points. 

Schools must warn of Gore climate film bias

Al Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth has been called unfit for schools because it is politically biased and contains serious scientific inaccuracies and ‘sentimental mush’.

Schools will have to issue a warning before they show pupils Al Gore’s controversial film about global warming, a judge indicated yesterday.

The move follows a High Court action by a father who accused the Government of ‘brainwashing’ children with propaganda by showing it in the classroom.

Stewart Dimmock said the former U.S. Vice-President’s documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, is unfit for schools because it is politically biased and contains serious scientific inaccuracies and ‘sentimental mush’.

He wants the video banned after it was distributed with four other short films to 3,500 schools in February.

Mr Justice Burton is due to deliver a ruling on the case next week, but yesterday he said he would be saying that Gore’s Oscar-winning film does promote ‘partisan political views’.

This means that teachers will have to warn pupils that there are other opinions on global warming and they should not necessarily accept the views of the film.

He said: ‘The result is I will be declaring that, with the guidance as now amended, it will not be unlawful for the film to be shown.’

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al gore an inconvenient truth

Al Gore talks about Hurricane Katrina in a scene from the controversial movie

The outcome marks a partial victory for Mr Dimmock, who had accused the ‘New Labour Thought Police’ of indoctrinating youngsters by handing out thousands of Climate Change Packs to schools.

Mr Dimmock, a lorry driver from Dover with children aged 11 and 14, said at the outset of the hearing: ‘I wish my children to have the best education possible, free from bias and political spin, and Mr Gore’s film falls far short of the standard required.’

His solicitor John Day, said yesterday that the Government had been forced to make ‘a U-turn’, but said it did not go far enough.

He said ‘no amount of turgid guidance’ could change the fact that the film is unfit for consumption in the classroom.


But during the three-day hearing, the court heard that the critically-acclaimed film contains a number of inaccuracies, exaggerations and statements about global warming for which there is currently insufficient scientific evidence.

I also enjoyed some of the reader comments attached to that story:

Schools now are nothing more than Marxist indoctrination camps. They come out the other end clutching worthless pieces of paper but making the correct noises.

– Clare Days, London


Yes, ‘Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’ – not inter-scientific – it’s all about politics and taxes not science.

– Baz, London, UK

Here’s some other reading from posts I’ve written about this topic (most recent at top): 

Ontario to distribute Gore’s film to schools

Liberalvision CTV: What do you mean “who’s Al Gore”?!

Who’s behind the public schools’ liberal-left and environmental religion dogma in the classroom?

Sensible man makes offer of balance – to counter environmentalist religion teaching in schools

The Prophet Al Gore’s environmentalist religion to be taught in Vancouver schools


Joel Johannesen
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