More anti-Canadian leftist soap box help from liberalvision CTV today? Yes. It’s Friday.
What? No pro-abortion rallies today?
A Canadian disgrace, a woman named Tracy Glynn, through her organization called “Fredericton Peace Coalition”, is calling for a Canadian surrender—not just to the Taliban and the Islamist terrorists of Afghanistan, but to surrender our expression of national pride and support for our brave, heroic troops fighting there right now, today, as we live and breathe. She’s fearful—the poor thing—that maybe, just maybe, supporting our troops or showing any outward signs of that, like those evil yellow “Support Our Troops” stickers that half the country displays, might also mean supporting the mission—and she thinks that’s a horrible risk not worth taking, her being a total moonbat and all. One wouldn’t want to support our national effort to bring peace, human rights, democracy, and more to a repressed, tormented people; and to help ensure a measure of national security here at home in Canada. No no.
She’s calling for a national day of taking down the “support our troops” stickers. Oh how honorable. How noble.
And my my, how important and intelligent for the CTV to give this jerk a soap box upon which to stir up anti-war sentiment and help the far-left fringe weaken our resolve and display our non-support of our troops fighting right now, and to do this right in the middle of a war. And on “Wear Red Friday” just for good measure.
In actual fact, what an utter disgrace all these people are.
Unlike her, and them, I’m on Canada’s side. I support the mission 120 percent. The extra 20 percent includes my notion that we should double our military effort. I think we should immediately bring our CF-18 fighter jets up to date after the Liberal government’s years of conscious neglect and send them over there too. And to Iraq—a war in which I also fully support the deployment of our Canadian military in full military involvement. I fully support the Iraq war. I fully support American efforts there. Fully.
Personally, I’m on Canada’s side, CTV.
There is no “controversy”— whatsoever.
And there couldn’t be a “YELLOW RIBBON CONTROVERSY”
without your willing “news” media effort.
These Tracy Glynn “peace” moonbats sound like typical far-left fringe—obsessed with socialism—nuts. I found these hints in her organization’s “blog”, which I think is really at the root of her agenda: ”…We recognize that unrestrained corporate power is waging war on democratic participation … We oppose the military industrial complex, the war economy … “. You can go and read it yourself if you’re excruciatingly bored and can withstand still more excruciating boredom and aren’t prone to depression. And no, that one sentence alone doesn’t speak to “socialism”, but if one is so distracted by the “corporate economics” of the war—more so than the Islamofascism and the resulting terrorist attacks against our countries and our way of living (which they mention NOT ONCE), then I think the leftist political socialist/communist strings must be tugging very hard at their ever so equal and supposedly earnest hearts.
I urge everyone to get some of those “Support Our Troops” stickers and put them everywhere. And wear red on Fridays.
I already do. But for my part, I’m going to take this opportunity to design some of my own “Support The Troops—And The Mission” stuff, as I’d already begun doing some time ago, and offer it for sale here at PTBC. Now that the Canadian Dollar is at par with the U.S., it will make more sense economically, and if that pisses off that socialist moonbat even more, then that’s fabulous.
Once again here’s a design my wife and I came up with a while back but never launched. I’ll spend some time on this little project today and over the weekend.
“On Canada’s side” will be a new, optional theme, I’m thinking.
I’m not on Tracy Glynn’s side, and she is far from being on mine. And I’m not sure where CTV is. I’m on Canada’s side. Hope to see you here.
UPDATED: A reader email sent to us:
Dear Sir.
I would like to give you a heads up about Tracy Glynn and their group. I went to their website and read over their weblog. Thereupon I took it upon myself to politely correct their inaccurate statements etc regarding the War on Terrorism etc. I was polite, concise, and very well informed. … Shortly after posting the corrections to their claims and “truths” they banned me and took off all of my posts that were contrary to their line of thought. Kinda reminds me of the same behaviour that is the norm with the Taliban and Al Qaeda, and GASP the nazis. Its amazing that I, as a serving member of our Armed forces protect their rights to free speech and expression, while they are so quick to shut down anyone else who disagrees, and factually points out their mistakes. Go figure. Hopefully you will pass this little tidbit on to your site, I have yet to find a way to publicly speak about this heinous act of fascism by her group. They also have refused to respond to my email questioning their practices regarding their “open” forum of discussion.
Thanks for your time,
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