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Liberal Paul (“we lead the world”) Martin cavorts with terrorists

Liberals will do anything—anything—to get votes.  Their main guiding principle and party philosophy isn’t what you’d think (building a strong free Canada, limiting government interference in our lives, encouraging strong traditional families, ensuring religious freedoms, creating the framework for a vital free market economy, or any other things conservatives are familiar with).  No their guiding principle is “power”.  “Winning elections”.  Their morals and principles will change accordingly.  They constantly take polls.

It doesn’t matter if you have to cavort with terrorists to get that power.  A vote is a vote.  It doesn’t matter if you have to use your already existing power and influence to buy votes from the immigrant community (current and future) by promising Romanian strippers and Indian pizza shop owners that they can come on in to the Liberals’ Canada.  Import massive numbers of people from other lands to secure Liberal votes—do anything. 

In a Calgary Herald article entitled “Terrorists win PM’s ear”, with the sub-head of “Martin seems oblivious to Tigers’ bloody record”, we get a glimpse of that “principle”.

Prime Minister Paul Martin, who met Monday in Colombo with spokesmen for Sri Lanka’s rebel Tamil minority, seems to have a deliberate blind spot about the terrorist war that raged there from 1983 until a recent truce.

Consequently, he has offended his hosts, the duly constituted and internationally recognized government of Sri Lanka. He also fuels anxiety among Canadians, who fear Liberal foreign policy reflects less their country’s best interests than his party’s need to keep Tamils in the Toronto area voting Liberal.

The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam share little with Canadian values. Other terrorists may be more dangerous to western interests, but for sheer bloodletting, this group is among the worst. Their bombings, assassinations and unconventional warfare against Colombo’s armed forces have claimed more than 62,000 lives—more than al-Qaeda, the PLO and Hamas elsewhere combined.

They originated suicide bombings and have assassinated two heads of state—India’s president Rajiv Gandhi and a Sri Lankan president.

[…] In his book Cold Terror, reporter Stewart Bell relates how Tamil separatists use their influence in Canada: “The president of the Montreal chapter of the World Tamil Movement, ruled by the federal court in 1997 to be a Tamil Tigers front organization, told me how he had helped a Liberal party candidate during the 2000 federal election campaign. ‘She came to our event, she was shocked, so I told her: Madam, my one word will give all these votes to you. I told her and it was done; all the Sri Lankan votes went to the Liberals, here in Montreal.’ “

Joel Johannesen
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