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Left wing nuts gather for Harper Bush Calderon summit in Montebello Quebec

UPDATED several times below…
See major CBC gaffe at Update 4…

Good morning, Canada!

Even before my coffee, the reporter on the leftists’ state-run CBC looked sheepish as he stood there and rattled off the list of groups that are attending the summit to do nothing but protest, denounce everything not communists-sounding or which doesn’t address the “mad-made global warming”, whine (usually with a fist up in the air), complain (with a big old protest sign: “Bush—war criminal”), and cause as much mayhem and havoc as possible; and then of course hold fully attended news conferences in which compliant and like-minded reporters essentially ask them to recite, for the cameras, all of their grievances, and hammer Bush and Harper to the greatest extent possible, without interruption or question (unlike the protest itself). 

Hippies, communists, anti-war zealots, socialists, advocates for anti-capitalism, Bush and Harper haters (or as Barack Obama calls him, “the President of Canada”), haters of everything not liberal,  The Council of Canadians, and no doubt the you’ve got to be kidding party’s Jack Layton will be there leading his cabal of leftists, militant unionists, Marxists, hippies, feminists, gay industry advocates, pro-abortionists, and so on, and generally protesting our country and our Prime Minister again, as he so often does.

I find it interesting that just now, the CTV reporter informed us that about nine bus loads of protesters are now arriving by school buses.  School buses?  Private school buses, no doubt. Right?  (Reporter didn’t question it).

From CTV Newsnet coverage.

CBC invites a possible communist supporter/protester for a live interview, who’s wearing what appears to be a Che Guevara (radical communist murderer and promoter of Cuba’s communist revolution) t-shirt, and proceeds to immediately call both Harper and Bush “climate change criminals”, and then calls Bush the world’s biggest “war criminal”.  He added, “Harper and Bush should be thrown in pens—in jail, essentially”.  He then lectures us forever, and “news” host Nancy Wilson simply sits on her butt listening without questioning his calling our Prime Minister a criminal for the information of Canadian viewers.  If you look carefully, you can see that in this still-capture, she has her eyes closed.

From state-run CBC Newsworld coverage.

Upon closer inspection using evil right-wing anti-communist picture zooming-in techniques, I find that the T-shirt actually resembles their Prophet David Suzuki (see his official scientist glasses?), which is artfully crafted to appear like those Che Guevara t-shirts that the communists and moonbats are wearing these days.  So that’s fun.  I’m still trying to figure out what the protester’s ball cap says. 

Possible David Suzuki, or Che Guevara.  

Unknown cap message.  Maybe it’s merely the CBC logo.


CBC reporter Susan Bonner—a CBC politics reporter, explains to Canadians the fact that all three North American leaders are conservatives and “share a conservative philosophy—perhaps that’s another reason why there’s so much controversy surrounding this visit….”


The fact that all three are conservatives—democratically elected in each country—means it’s therefore “controversial”?  “Controversial” to whom, Bonner?  It wouldn’t be “controversial” if all three were liberals

CBC: check your tapes for the gaffe at 10:15 PDT.  I’ll post your correction/apology when it comes. 


11:00 AM PDT: Leftist nutbars prepare for their violent riot.  Police riot squads put on their gas masks.  We’re told that the members of the Canadian Labour Congress have pulled back from their positions in the front lines.  Perhaps it’s coffee break time.

One protester dons his terrorist headgear which, if you’re astute, you’ll notice is EXACTLY the same as terrorist PLO leader Yasser Arafat’s headgear.
image  image
Picture of protester is still-captured from CTV Newsnet coverage. Picture of Arafat from a site listing terrorists.


Chief meets chefs
President Bush lingered amongst the peeps—hotel staff and such—before meeting up with Prime Minister Harper, or the guy Barack Obama calls the “President of Canada”.

Harper is on Bush’s left wing.  Ahem.
Both from CTV Newsnet coverage.


Che Guevara t-shirt finally shows up!

I’m almost certain this one is communist murderer Che Guevara, and not David Suzuki.
Cropped photo from CTV Newsnet coverage.

I suspect this is a popular uniform among the protesters. 


“Progressives” demand end to war… and to capitalism!

“End war…. and privitization”!
State-run CBC Newsworld coverage

…and then share a sip of capitalist premium bottled water (family-size!)….
CTV Newsnet coverage


CTV Newsnet reports that protesters are throwing rocks, blocks of wood (from trees? Huh!), and, ironically, vegetables at the police, in order to start their riot. 

I can understand throwing rocks, if you’re a violent, militant, war-like, total nutbar “progressive” as these people are, but vegetables?  Their mommies packed these for them to eat, not throw!  What about the poor?  The starving?  What will they think after hearing that these folks are using vegetables as weapons, and throwing them away like that? 

That ain’t liberal!  Oh hang on…


Joel ponders:  Shouldn’t the you’ve got to be kidding party’s Layton be negotiating with these terrorists over tea and buns? 

Light bulb then goes off in Joel’s head:  Layton would confuse Joel by doing just that, and demanding a meeting with… Bush and Harper, who are busy.

Here’s Layton at a previous anti Prime Minister of Canada protest.

President of Mexico arrives at summit site by one of those big yellow Canadian rescue helicopters, leaving Canada’s west coast completely unprotected.


Joel Johannesen
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