Saturday, May 18, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Vancouver Sun lead editorial betrays nothing less than a communist mindset

Only in Canada, or North Korea, or Cuba, or any communist nation, would you read a lead editorial in a mainstream newspaper that wistfully touts the communist model as the one to follow.  And they do it in so moronic a fashion that they actually start out by suggesting that by using the communist model, we could, as a nation-state, reap the same benefits of none other than the bane of the communist, Wal-Mart.  And they use Wal-Mart as an example for the state to follow, rather than as an example for enterprising Canadians to follow and a reason for the state to totally change their faulty socialist mentality.  Government should follow Wal-Mart’s lead!, they lament. 

It’s one of the most absurd—and revealing—editorials I’ve ever read in a Canadian mainstream newspaper. 

Here’s the actual editorial title:  “Governments should take a leaf from Wal-Mart’s book on bulk buying to reduce drug costs”

How about this instead, comrades: “Governments should take a leaf from Wal-Mart’s book on bulk buying, and stop competing against its own citizens in business for profits, and let private citizen-owned companies like Wal-Mart continue to provide cheaper goods for Canadians generally”

Nah.  I know.  Not socialist.  “American-style”.  That ain’t liberal. Or Marxist. 

Here’s some tidbits:

As a consumer, New Zealand has some advantages that Canadians don’t.

…and then it lists a couple—it’s scary:

About 80 per cent of all prescription drugs are purchased by the central government, so it has close to monopoly powers.

That’s an “advantage”?!  The Soviet-style purchase, by the state (the “central government” politburo ), which yields yummy “monopoly powers” for the state… is “an advantage”? 

Here’s another “advantage” New Zealand has:

Nor does New Zealand have much of a domestic drug industry, so the government is not dealing with competing interests when it sets out to purchase pharmaceuticals.

No wonder we have a lack of home-grown industry we can call our own—it creates bothersome “competing interests” which compete with the government!  This must be stopped!  It’s a disadvantage to communism! 

What kind of state worries about competition from its citizens?  What kind of newspaper worries about that? 

Vote liberal.  Buy into liberal media such as this.  Don’t push back.  It’s “progressive”.

Further reading:
American drug stores like Wal-Mart offer several antibiotics for free to all

Wal-Mart cuts generic drug prices (“Wal-Mart has announced that it has rolled out a pilot program that will cut the prices of about 300 generic prescription drugs to just $4.”…)

Joel Johannesen
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