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Gays plant flag claiming ownership of minds in Truro, NS; fail in coup attempt on thought

You thought the Ruskies planting a flag under the north pole was the work of fascist nutbars

Even though it’s early Saturday morning and I’m sort of on vacation, I had fun with the headlines and intros to this latest Canadian gay “militant” (CBC would approve of that term) story, in which some gays attempt, once again, to virtually take over the towns, the hearts, and the minds of Canadians—mostly the minds—by once again continuing to force their values down our collective throats and up our collective backsides. 

Aside from the one I actually used for this blog entry, here are a few of my pre-coffee efforts with headlines and sub-heads and story intros that I’d use in my Joel Times newspaper of my mind (if the gays permit me, which they wouldn’t, and therefore I’d have to shut up):

• Good townsfolk fight back appropriately; refuse to fly the invaders’ flag, choosing instead to fly Canada’s.  Gays outraged.

• Nova Scotia gay militants try to plant flag in city in coup attempt on thought and opinion; city boldly retains territory of the mind for average citizens who don’t overtly embrace homosexual acts and queer values and lifestyles; pushes back appropriately.

• Gays outraged that government won’t replace the good Judeo-Christian values that built our nation with the gays’ secular-“progressive” religion which forces citizens to love them and embrace them and forces folks to overtly show support for gays and their lifestyle, whatever the folks might really think. The gays’ liberal media CTV and state-run CBC in bed with gays rather than objectively on side with Canada and its still ostensibly free-thinking citizens.


Aside from the suckup, politically-correct reporters and editors who write the stories, web staff at the Canadian liberal media’s online sites declare the side they’re on as well, and are apparently unable to hide their utter disdain for the townsfolk who are standing up for their right to think as they please.  (Incidentally, both networks’ logos are proudly displayed at the gay “Pride Vancouver” web site’s sponsorship pages, along with other notable companies and erstwhile “secular” governments and agencies.) 

Their various web site staff can name their web sites’ files anything they want of course.  The state-run CBC, which openly supports gays and their lifestyle and openly opposes those who like to think for themselves, which includes nearly everyone who isn’t a socialist or a communist or an “artist” and to whom they effectively flip the bird, don’t hide their position on the matter, it seems to me.  In their URL, they concluded “truro-gay.html”, as if trying to convince us that it is.  ( … /truro-gay.html)

For their part, the overtly gay-pride-supporting (they proudly support the gay pride parade tomorrow in that city, which I guess effectively gives the middle finger to anyone who doesn’t) called their file “against_pride_flag_…”  which in war times could sound almost like a clarion call for action against the likes of me who are absolutely opposed to cities flying the gay pride flag, particularly when a special interest group attempts to force a city to. ( … /against_pride_flag_ …)

Post-coffee thought:
Liberals generally hate Canada.  They hate the way it was conceived, and built—what with its Judeo-Christian values and such.  So liberals constantly seek to change Canada into something they can stomach—bit by bit.  This bit by bit change is what they call “progressive”.  It never actually ends.  They continue to squeeze toothpaste out of the tube (which can’t be put back in of course) until it’s all gone.  At that point, they have no “exit strategy” per se, and no hope, and most assuredly not a prayer. 

Vote liberal.

Joel Johannesen
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