Friday, May 17, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Out-in-left-field media massages the message. And that’s in the U.S.

Here in Canada, they’ve given up all pretense of being objective, fair, or even remotely balanced.  Here, they (CTV and CBC) each interview left-wing and anti-Bush, antiwar (and I’m talking about the Afghanistan war!)  moonbats and pass them off as just plain old regular “analysts” without identifying them as leftists, in their effort to sucker you into buying into their liberal-leftist agenda. 

(Then when they have David Frum on, they warn viewers that he’s a conservative!) 

I don’t know that in Canada I’ve ever heard a positive point-of-view about the Iraq war effort, nor scarcely even about the Afghanistan effort.  If Bush or any remotely conservative person is for it, Canada’s knee-jerk liberal-left media is against it.  It’s the very definition of a no-brainer.

NBC Skips More Upbeat Iraq Judgment ABC and CBS Find Newsworthy

NBC Nightly News on Monday ignored a development both ABC and CBS found newsworthy, that after eight days in Iraq, two Brookings Institution scholars who describe themselves as “harshly” critical of Bush’s Iraq policy, determined the situation in Iraq is better than they assumed and so the “surge” should continue into next year. Instead of reporting the fresh assessment from Michael O’Hanlon and Kenneth Pollack, NBC anchor Brian Williams, citing “a draft U.S. report,” aired a full story on how “there are disturbing new details about corruption at the very top of the Iraqi government.” But the NBC Nightly News has hardly been reticent before about running soundbites from O’Hanlon with dire warnings about Iraq.

    ABC anchor Charles Gibson declared “the column was the talk of Washington today.” From Iraq, Terry McCarthy related that “the report tracks fairly closely with what we’re seeing both in our visits to U.S. bases in and around Baghdad involved with the surge, and also our trips out to Baghdad neighborhoods talking to Iraqi population. Clearly, security is improving as the U.S. military footprint expands so the violence goes down, the sectarian killings go down.” Indeed, on CBS, David Martin noted how “with one day left in the month, American casualties in July are the lowest since the troop surge began in February. And civilian casualties are down a third.” Martin aired soundbites from Pollack and O’Hanlon as he described “just enough progress so that a critic like Michael O’Hanlon, who used to think the surge was too little too late, now believes it should be continued.”

[… read the rest (detailed – 2 minutes minutes) …]

Joel Johannesen
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