Saturday, May 18, 2024

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One in six adult Canadians now work directly for the government

Among the other things that I whine about in this space, I moan about whether there now officially any more than approximately 87 Canadians left in this country who don’t work directly for the government, a branch of the government, a division or “enterprise” of the government, or who are nurtured by the giant government teat, or whose employer relies to some degree or another (or even totally) on a government grant, subsidy, or other form of government handout.  Or who are collecting one form of welfare or another in lieu of working.

And now for some updated facts to once again verify that I’m not the total nutbar liberals like to pretend I am (do shield your eyes once again though, liberals, as I am once again about to present “actual facts”—and I know—liberals are against that): 

According to numbers just released today by Stats Canada—a government agency employing thousands, no doubt— 3.1 MILLION Canadians worked for the government in 2006.  That’s an increase over the year before, naturally, because liberals grow governments like they grow pot. 

I ran some numbers:  There are about 20 million Canadians between 20 and 65 (normal working age).  That means roughly 15 percent of Canadians—nearly 1 in 6—work directly for the government (a large percentage of whom do very little or no work of any useful value, in reality, often at no fault of their own).  Liberals would seek to increase those numbers.  Actual conservatives would seek to reduce that number.  And by the way, there are more federal government employees in the first quarter of 2007, than in the same period in 2006.  Go team.

I’m still quite sure that all but approximately 87 Canadians (which I’m proud to say includes me, by the way)—work for companies or organizations that are, to one degree or another, reliant on grants or handouts or tax breaks of one kind or another (which are of course designed to make them reliant on government), by the almost entirely liberal-left nanny-state governments of Canada and its provinces and municipalities. 

Joel Johannesen
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