Saturday, May 4, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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How liberals think: Bush: “War Criminal”; Harper: “Climate Criminal”

Liberal media: “Simply Reporting the Facts”.  Yup. 

Liberalvision managed to find time to report on our Prime Minister Stephen Harper being deemed a “Climate Criminal”, this morning, taking the time to explain the protesters’ position on the matter very clearly—why they were there—what they’re protesting, why they might be protesting that, etcetera, as video footage rolled on about the li’l angels, illegally chained to the gates of 24 Sussex in an egregious breach of security in this time of heightened national security awareness (hey is that criminal?—well whatever!).

Rather than shoot them on the spot, the RCMP were called in to spend our taxpayer cash to cut the chains so that they could be processed, and then released to do it again someplace else, I imagine after they first inform the news media once again as to where they were going, and making sure their next illegal stunt wouldn’t conflict with any other conservative-bashing events that needs to be covered by the selective liberal media’s crack squad of liberal reporters. 


They never referred to the Harper-hating far-leftist environmentalist nutbars who illegally chained themselves to the gates of 24 Sussex Drive (with their banners and posters smearing Harper as a “criminal”) as “leftists” or “left-wingers”.  They’re just “protesters”.  “Greenpeace”.  They’re ever so mainstream!  They’re just like us! 

See in the picture how one of them even made sure to wear her hijab or at least a hijab-like head-dress.  Just like us!  I imagine that was so that the authorities might think she’s a Muslim and therefore let her go immediately.  Muslims chaining themselves to the gates of the Prime Minister’s residence should be seen as perfectly normal.  To see this otherwise is to “racial profile”.  Racist!


(…and why is her accomplice’s hand inside her coat like that?)


Joel Johannesen
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