Saturday, May 18, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Here’s some Top-Ten liberal media “news reporting” for you to start off 2007

From a “news report” at, “news” “reporter” Andy Johnson, of “News”.  “Reporting” on the cabinet shuffle, which he’d have us believe (through sheer conjecture), was all about Rona Ambrose (or Rona Ammrose as they originally had it in their sickeningly condescending headline: “Ammrose gets cooling off time in new portfolio”). 

1. “Less than a year into the job, Ambrose’s blunders piled up…”

In other words:  You see, like the man-made global warming, the Conservative Party “hidden agenda”, and evolution, the notion that she made “blunders” and that they “piled-up” is now scientific fact by virtue of the fact that I, Andy Johnson, ye grand reporter, say so.  This is not an opinion.  Period.  Bite me. 

2.  “…compete with the newly elected Liberal leader; green guru Stephane Dion.”

Here ye, here ye.  Let it be known: The liberal media thinks Stephane Dion—the man who as the Liberals’ Environment Minister truly bungled Canada’s environmental efforts; allowed Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions to rise by 27% over his oh-so-realistic targets in his Kyoto Accord commitments he made on our behalf (making us look totally stupid on the world stage and perhaps more embarrassingly for them, being beaten even by the United States which never even signed the stupid Kyoto Accord); and drives a five-year-old SUV when he isn’t being chauffeured around in a limousine…. is a “green guru”.  Once again, that’s “green guru”. 

The liberal media, which calls whores “street-trade workers” and Barack Obama “a rock star”, (and yet the war on terror “the ‘so-called’ war on terror”), now calls Stephane Dion a “green guru”.  How long before Michael Moore is a “genius historian”?

3.  “…key slip-ups along the way…”, “…heavily criticized Clean Air Act…”, “…and key errors made…”, “…all worked against her…”.

That was all in one short paragraph. 

4.  “…outrage over the timelines…”

…As measured by the liberal media’s patented “outrage-o-meter”, which is a thermometer-like instrument that is stuck up the rears of socialist and other leftist environut industry religion (and wiener stand!) clerics and as many of Layton’s you’ve got to be kidding party minions as possible, and then reading the dial which proves beyond doubt that they are totally outraged and which therefore proves this unpredictable “outrage”, manufactured or not, each and every single time.   

Then, as the Canadian liberal media must do according to some bizarre obsessive instruction in their how-to manual, they must (MUST, I tell you!) seek the opinion of a university professor.  Nothing in this country is left to sit until a university professor sets us straight.  This is, I think, because they are reliably leftists and very often even juicy Marxists.  No exception here, I suspect, although I have absolutely no clue whatsoever who in tarnation Allan Tupper is (I’m sure he’s a genius because the media is quoting him, and he’s not defending the Conservatives):

5. “Allan Tupper, a professor of politics at the University of British Columbia, said it demonstrated that the environment simply wasn’t a top priority for the government—and Ambrose was simply dealt a losing hand.”  

Well if Allan Tupper says so, it must be true.  Never mind what I think.  I ain’t no genius professor who relies on ever-increasing state funding. 

6.  “…the so-called centrepiece legislation is still in limbo…”.

Well the “so-called” war on terror is still on too.  (Couldn’t you have used this opportunity to remind us how many Canadians have died in Afghanistan?) 

7.  “Embarrassing mistakes”.

That was simply a gratuitous heading 3/4 of the way through the “news” article, as if to remind us all that this Ambrose fella is s-t-u-p-i-d.

8. “…Another low point for Ambrose came in mid-December…”

Oh no!  Not yet ANOTHER low point!  Seems she had nothing but low points!  Didn’t anybody think she was doing the best she could after the Liberals’ disastrous reign?  I mean besides me and everyone I know? 

9.  “…Ambrose may find that her new intergovernmental affairs portfolio is a better fit…”

What condescending crap—even for the liberal media.

Then, finally, in one of the cheesiest, dumbest, most blatantly Canuckian sentences ever written by a “reporter”, the “reporter” actually wrote this in his “news” report:

10. Rona Ambrose was… “carrying the cumbersome environmental canoe over some rocky portages”. 

Oh my, eh.

Joel Johannesen
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