I’m not sure Stephane Dion really thought he’d win. But after the third ballot I’m sure he was sure, and I was so sure of Dion winning that I wrote this at 12:01 PM Pacific time to be autopublished later, so I could go out into the great west coast sunshine and enjoy sanity and reality and fresh air and stuff without waiting. (I understand the air will be even fresher with Dion in charge, so I can’t wait!). I will of course be embarrassed if I’m wrong, but not bare-assed like Bob Rae or Scott Brison.
Lessons From Liberals For Liberals – Number One:
You Liberals already expose yourselves as rear ends enough, as it is. But baring your backside in public is asinine for one who desires to be a world leader, and is best left to the likes of Britney Spears, who could apparently use a pair o’ them G-string gonchawears you all were selling for $16 (plus GST!).
Lesson Two:
Leave your Liberal arrogance at the door. Dion is the least arrogant and self-assured and conceited of the front-runners.
Lesson Three:
You Liberals are stuck in the last century and in love with your past, corrupt though it is. You refuse to renew, and even when given a wide range of renewal choices, chose the old standard—the old Chretien/Martin loyalist, complete with baggage roughly equal to the size of the RCMP file on the Liberal Party.
Lesson Four:
Canada is not ready for a male Prime Minister with a husband. Thank God.
Lesson Five:
Reminder: Liberals are hypocrites. And in a dose of reality that they will ignore and so will your liberal media division, the misogynistic delegates (42% of them women) soundly rejected out of hand all the women in the race, despite all your blather about everyone besides liberals being “sexist” and “misogynistic”. And this is all according to plan, and has been nurtured over the Liberal years by making women totally reliant upon artificial supports with the likes of your taxpayer-funded sexist, socialist, Status of Women division of the Liberal Party, and other such programs designed to keep women oppressed.
UPDATE at 2:24 PM (came in from the great outdoors for a beer)
Lesson Six:
Global TV online poll just now:
(Updated at 7:08 PM PDT)
Dion wins – 2,521 – 57.4%
Ignatieff – 2,084 – 45.3%
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