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Carleton U. students attempt to silence opposition against their ghoulish pro-abortion agenda

Publicly-funded Carleton University’s taxpayer-paid “town square” is where free speech is welcome and even financially sponsored, unless you don’t agree with the extreme leftist pro-feminist and ghoulish pro-abortion culture of death agenda of their dictatorial student union. They call their agenda “pro-choice”, but apparently, as usual, these liberal-leftists are all for freedom of speech only as long as you agree with them.  Otherwise you must shut up and hide your choice under a rock. 

The Carleton University student union newspaper’s headline sets up the intolerance nicely.  Rather than using the term “pro-life”, which is the innocuous term that those of us in the sensible set call the battle to protect totally innocent human life from slaughter, they choose the negative-sounding “anti-abortion” terminology used only by the “pro-choice” folks, to set up the story which was clearly created with an approving nod to their compatriots in the student union (and the so-called “Womyn’s Centre” which is spelled that way in order to show their “progressive” disdain (hatred?) for men and any notion of “gender” which would otherwise not be “progressive”), at Carleton University. 

The headline reads:

“Anti-abortion groups on notice after CUSA tables policy amendment”


In the story by a “reporter” or “journalist” named Sarah Bockstael, they write that at a Nov. 21 Carleton University Students’ Association (CUSA) council meeting, a motion was tabled that would prevent pro-life groups from even assembling on CUSA space. 

Free speech is only for liberals, as I keep telling you dingbats who insist it’s for everyone. 

The charlatan writes:

The motion — moved by Katy McIntyre, CUSA vice-president (student services), on behalf of the Womyn’s Centre — would amend the campus discrimination policy to state that “no CUSA resources, space, recognition or funding be allocated for anti-choice purposes.”

The motion was met with resistance from Carleton University Lifeline, a pro-life student organization that was denied CUSA club status at an Oct. 26 council meeting.

According to McIntyre, anti-choice groups are gender-discriminatory and violate CUSA’s safe space practices.

The motion focuses on anti-choice groups because they aim to abolish freedom of choice by criminalizing abortion. McIntyre said this discriminates against women, and that it violates the Canadian Constitution by removing a woman’s right to “life, liberty and security” of person.

There’s so much utter BS and selective reasoning (and reading—or not—of our Constitution, like section Two) here that I can’t even figure out where to start.  Hang on—maybe if I stand on my head.  Nope.  Nothing. 

McIntyre said she received complaints after Lifeline organized an academic debate on whether or not elective abortion should be made illegal.

“[These women] were upset the debate was happening on campus in a space that they thought they were safe and protected, and that respected their rights and freedoms,” said McIntyre.

[…] Julien de Bellefeuille, Student Federation of the University of Ottawa vice-president (university affairs), said that although his student association does not currently have any policies regulating anti-choice groups, he said the motion is a good idea and something that his school should adopt as well.

CUSA’s motion will be formally debated at their next council meeting Dec. 5, during which council will vote to pass the motion.

The Charlatan editorial staff’s own editorial on the matter had a far more sensible approach: 

[…] Abortion is a touchy subject and everyone is entitled to their opinion. Therefore, it is not right or fair for CUSA, a group that represents all undergraduate students, to make such a sweeping judgment against pro-life and anti-choice groups.

Some students believe abortion is morally wrong while others champion a woman’s right to choose.  When CUSA decides to take a side on such a personal issue, it will inevitably misrepresent students.

CUSA councillors need to seriously examine the implications of this proposal. Is it ever possible to say that one side of this type of moral issue is right and another wrong?

No. And to start down the slippery slope of censorship is a scary path indeed.

Restricting pro-life and anti-choice discussion is not healthy for the university or condusive to an individual’s right to autonomy.

CUSA, of all groups, should recognize this. After all, the organization fought fervently for academic amnesty, arguing that all students have the right to uphold their own views without fear of penalty.

Should some students be silenced while others are not?

I suggest all taxpayer funding of this public state-funded university cease if the motion passes, and that legal action commences against them, and I would further suggest right-thinking sensible students make their voices heard loud and clear, and that they waste no more time securing positions on their Student Union before it’s too late.  The rest of us should also raise our voices in the usual respectful democratic un-Nazi-like responsible way that we do, via this information: 

Dr. Samy Mahmoud
President and Vice-Chancellor Pro Tempore
Office of the President
503 Tory Building
1125 Colonel By Drive,
Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 613 520-3801 Fax: 613 520-4474

And a note to your MP or Ontario’s Ministry of Education or you MPP if you live in Ontario wouldn’t hurt either.

If you have questions or want to offer support, you can also write to the pro-life Lifeline group at Carleton, at [email protected]

I think abortion is the most disgusting, horrendous, uncompassionate act of insanity and violation of life that humans ever thought of. And as you may know, there is absolutely no law against abortion in Canada thanks to liberals and other leftists who think that this fits in beautifully with their “progressive” agenda.  I suspect that someday, if liberals maintained their grip on power in this country, “abortions” will be allowed even after the child is born and is three or four months old, too.  This is already happening in the Euroliberal countries like Holland. That’s “progressive”!

Abortions in Canada are paid for, according to Canadian liberals’ North-Korean-style “health” laws, by all taxpayers regardless of reason, in state-run “health” facilities like hospitals —or even at private fee-for-service abortion mills which for some reason, liberals are A-OK with in this one instance.  An abortion can be had for any—or no—reason at all whatsoever, as many times as the woman wants, in Canada.  In Canada there are also no restriction on when an abortion takes place.  A woman can get an abortion for any reason at three, six, eight, or nine months pregnancy—even at three minutes before the date and time of an otherwise normal delivery.  It simply doesn’t matter to liberals in Canada, who work feverishly to preserve this culture of death they call “progress”.

In some sort of a twisted world view, they also call abortion a “Canadian value”, and they cherish it.  The fight feverishly for the continuation of abortions in Canada.

That’s one of the main reasons I’m a conservative.

Unlike the publicly funded universities which promote liberal-leftist ideals partially at my expense as a taxpayer, I have every right to use this privately-owned space to advocate my position (and my position alone) on the matter.  I’m pro-life.  And this is a conservative advocacy web site which adheres to the culture of life.  And this site won’t be used to promote the culture of death by liberals or anyone else. 


Joel Johannesen
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