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Friday, February 28, 2025
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Leftists demand Harper’s defeat over his rumored proposed limits on government

Upon hearing the rumor that the good Harper Conservatives may want to Constitutionally limit federal social(ist) engineering, socialist Liberal Party candidate “Bare-Ass” Bob Rae says:

“This is a guy who’s trying to change Canada in a way that we will not be able to recognize it … and this really means that Mr. Harper has to go.”

The actual truth, as if “Bare-Ass” Bob Rae didn’t know it, is that it makes Canada more recognizable, inasmuch as it was actually set up that way and worked very well that way until the liberal-leftists started edging our great country away from it and assuming more and more power over the independent provinces and their parliaments.  This is a case of psychological projection from the big Bare-Assed socialist one.  He and his socialist automaton admirers are the ones who hate Canada and have been seeking to change it to suit their Godless global socialist world view. 

As if on cue, junior Jack (bin-) Layton spoke for his you’ve got to be kidding party following “Bare Ass” Bob’s far leftist lead: 

“Mr. Harper might like to try to dismantle the country’s ability to have the quality of life that Canadians deserve, but we’re certainly very, very wary of any steps like that.”

Luckily I’m multilingual and I speak socialist.  The translation is:  Oh dear non-denominational Godless humanist deity, please don’t let them stop the march to Marxism in Canada! 

Not to be outdone (and make no mistake, the liberal-left is trying to “do” you), Mr. and Mrs. Canadian, who actually raise families and build this country, proclaim their approval of the Harper plan in a spontaneous poll today. poll
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– Background story –

Joel Johannesen
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