Friday, May 17, 2024

Top 5 This Week


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Why I’m a conservative - Reason 844: Michael Ignatieff, anti-American

Playing to the cheapest, lowest, most unintelligent imaginable impulses of the Canadian liberal-left, their sordid anti-American racist-like qualities in which they believe they belong to a superior race, Michael Ignatieff, the Liberal Party leadership front-runner and world leader wannabe, and apparent undiplomatic blunderer and embarrassment to Canadians and even some Liberals, yesterday, regarding his support for the Iraq war:

“I take full responsibility for not having anticipated how incompetent the Americans would be.”

This president has been a disaster for the authority and the influence of the United States.”

“People seem to believe I want to live in an American imperial world. I do not. I do not.”

Beautiful.  Thanks again, Liberals.  Go Canada.  Go team.  Insult all Americans and the President of the United States on a personal level.  Again. 

That’s helpful.  And that’s certainly not “divisive”, or “petulant”, is it liberals?

This says so much about liberals, since Ignatieff chose words that he obviously felt would raise his stature among grassroots liberals.  We’re told he’s smart, so these words must actually appeal to liberals!  In fact he also allowed this brain poo to leak out to columnist Lawrence Martin (Globe and Mail):

“What I’ve learned is the importance of words. Getting them right.”

Yup.  It’s workin’ out real well for ya, Mr. Blunder Bum! 

…and this bit that sounds like so many socialists from countries now collapsed:

“I want to reinvent the party as a progressive social force

In fact like most liberals, I believe he wants to reinvent Canada as a socialist nanny-state nation dependent on the good graces and F-22s and Ballistic Missile Defences of the country he apparently wants nothing to do with since they’re so incompetent, those American imperialists are.

That’s one of the reasons I’m a conservative.  (There’s more.  Scott (“they’ll just spend it on beer and popcorn”) Reid, for instance.  Carolyn (“I hate Americans… bastards”) Parrish.  And many more).

Joel Johannesen
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