The LMP or “limp” is apparently continuing its anti-Canada rally today on CTV Newsnet and the state-run CBC Newsworld.
Party spokesmen Tom Clark (filling in for Lloyd Robertson who’s vacationing in Beirut) of the CTV division and state-employee Peter Mansbridge of the state-run media division led last night’s “news” with nothing but reports about how awful Canada has been doing at performing miracles (which their party doesn’t believe in, being anti-Christian Godless secularists and all).
Party minions anchoring the various news desks throughout the day are breathlessly churning out any ingrate they can find—no matter their allegiance to Canada, our home and native land — to whine and lament at the “slow” or “disorganized” albeit “free” and “lifesaving” and “miraculous” and “historic” evacuation organized by Canada and good Canadians who are trying their hardest at risk of their own lives in many cases. In Lebanon. Not Canada. For free. Against all odds.
There is no good news here. None. It’s been the world’s most awful thing ever.
The one bright spot was just now, when anchor Kate Wheeler was interviewing an evacuee on the phone—clearly not a native Canadian—who is now leaving Turkey on a Canadian-paid trip to Canada, having been evacuated from terrorist-ridden Lebanon. The evacuee was going on and on about how people were hot! Hot I tell you! And they were getting sick on the boat! Oh the humanity!
In a rare candid moment, the clearly perplexed anchor —down right fed up with all the boo-hoos (there was no air conditioning!) and constant whining and lamenting from these ingrates, interrupts the evacuee mid-whine, and asks:
“Well OK but surely you’re glad you got out—I mean would you rather have stayed?!
[Shocked and now suddenly quieter] ”…Well yes, course I’m glad to get out…”.
Gee I feel so sorry our Canada customer service hasn’t been to your freaking satisfaction. Please feel free to book your next evacuation with another country next time.
For my part, I still want to know why there are 50,000 “Canadians” in Lebanon. More than any other country’s nationals on earth.
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