Portrait of a terrorist appeasing liberal ass:
Graham criticizes Harper for siding with Israel
Updated Tue. Jul. 18 2006 2:21 PM ET
CTV.ca News StaffInterim Liberal Leader Bill Graham criticized the Conservative government Tuesday for its quick decision to side with Israel over the conflict in Lebanon…
[…] “You can’t discuss and negotiate peace with people (Hezbollah) that you have labelled as terrorists.”
The Canadian government officially recognizes Hezbollah as a terrorist organization, as it does Hamas, which of course they both are, and has done so since the Liberals were in power. They are banned in Canada. In Canada, it is a crime punishable by up to 10 years in prison to knowingly supporting Hezbollah’s activities.
Here’s an article from the liberals’ state-run media about it from back in 2002 when Hezbollah was reluctantly deemed to be a terrorist organization by the terrorist-appeasing liberal and then-Foreign Affairs Minster Bill Graham, Liberal ass:
Ottawa relents, orders complete ban on Hezbollah
Last Updated Fri, 13 Dec 2002 14:51:25 EST
CBC NewsOTTAWA – Ottawa has outlawed both the military and social wings of Hezbollah – an abrupt about-face for the foreign affairs minister, who has argued the social arm of the organization is a legitimate charity.
The decision comes following weeks of intense lobbying by the Canadian Alliance and Jewish groups.
Bill Graham and Wayne Easter Ottawa placed the Lebanese-based group’s military and social wings on its list of banned terrorist entities. That means both are now listed in Canada under a UN resolution allowing countries to seize the assets of terrorist groups.
Foreign Affairs Minister Bill Graham had argued that the social arm of Hezbollah was a legitimate charity and independent of the group’s military arm.
But on Wednesday Graham changed his mind, citing media reports last week that quoted Hezbollah’s leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, urging Palestinians to expand their suicide bombings worldwide.
“It was clear from the leader’s comments the other day that it was not distinguishing itself from terrorist activities,” he said.
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