Regular readers know that I’ve longed for an au gratis subscription to Ezra Levant’s great Western Standard magazine since it launched not long ago (I plead “poorness” and the excessive need to subscribe with my scarce resources to too many publications and web sites in order to do my blogger’s duty here every day for y’all. Or to put it another way, boohoohoo).
I’ve long supported the magazine, being among the first to advertise it (for free!) at the old version of this web site (back in the big huge forum days), and wrote a glowing article about it back then too. Since then, I’ve written several blog entries here alluding to articles there. Just this week in fact! Each time, I whine like a baby (as much as possible) about
Mr. Levant not offering me a subscription. I think he’s playing hard to get with me, the big meaniepants.
But the National Citizens Coalition’s Gerry Nicholls has come to my aid. He read about my plight, and through an unnamed intermediary (secret society?) source, fandangled a subscription for me.
Secretly, I think
Mr. Levant covertly sent Gerry Nicholls in as an operative to finally get me off his back so he won’t have to keep reading my incessant whining. Yup.
But while I’m on it, I was going to blog about the National Citizens Coalition anyway in light of the launch of their Support Our Troops trust fund campaign, which has now officially launched. You’ll remember the campaign that some Ottawa bureaucrats attempted to shut down a month or so ago, citing trademark violations or some such, but which was eventually smoothed out after Gerry appeared on several network shows and blogs. The NCC campaign now has the full backing of Canada’s Armed Forces.
Click here to find out more about the campaign—donate a minimum $20 and get the now famous Support Our Troops car magnet! I did!
And as always, keep an eye on Gerry’s own personal blog at which he talks about the things that lately seem to end up in the news a day or two later! His latest blog entry won’t, but it’s very visual (go look, men) and reads:
“I have decided to root for Italy on Sunday to win the World Cup.
Because who wants to see France win anything?”
See you over there, obviously!
- Proud To Be Canadian. But Maybe Not. - Tuesday December 17, 2024 at 2:07 pm
- Say something. - Friday October 25, 2024 at 6:03 pm
- Keep going, or veer right - Monday August 26, 2024 at 4:30 pm