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The publication ban is because of all the “TORTURE!”

Yes that explains the publication ban.  It is because of all the “TORTURE!”  That’s what Rocco Galati said yesterday.  “Rocco” is a lawyer for one of the alleged Canadian jihadists. 

See this previous blog entry to peek at the Al-Qaida Training Manual, where it explains about the official terrorists’ rule about claiming “TORTURE!”.  Then call your local liberal media—especially your local branch of the liberals’ prized state-run media, the CBC (they’ve got branches ALL over the country, to serve you and your information needs—but in a twist, you’ll be calling them to inform them!)  Explain the jihadists’ manual to them.  They’ve read it all too, but they will pretend they don’t know what you’re on about.  Should be fun.

Canada’s state-run media, the CBC, set up their story for the alleged jihadist defenders last night at no charge to them I’m guessing, and got us off on the right track right from the get-go.  That’s how they inform Canadians.  Find the most far leftist point-of-view, the most anti-American, and/or the most in favor of America and the west including Canada losing the war on terror.  Then go with it.  NEVER tell the other side.  This ain’t Fox News Channel you silly monkeys!

State-employed state news anchor, Peter Mansbridge, informed Canadians again last night on the state-run national news, exactly like this:

Peter Mansbridge:  Allegations of TORTURE! Accusations of BEATINGS!

We’ve hear them before from suspects held on terrorism-related charges, but THESE accusations aren’t coming from Guantanamo Bay or Iraq!  They’re coming from lawyers representing some of those 17 CANADIANS arrested just over a week ago! 

The CBC’s Terry Milewski was in court today, as the suspects made another appearance.

Terry Milewski: Well Peter today’s court appearance was supposed to be just a procedural session to arrange bail hearings.  Instead, we had two of the suspects brandishing handcuffed hands, and crying out:  WE’VE BEEN TORTURED!”

Then, after considerable footage of policemen holding guns, as if to confirm that the allegations of “TORTURE!” just might be true, Milewski, the state-employed news media reporter, informed Canada:

Terry Milewski: After nine days in custody, the 17 accused are still being kept in solitary confinement, with only 20 minutes exercise a day outside their cells.  AND they told their lawyers that they’ve been BEATEN!  KICKED!  AND deprived of sleep by the guards.

Then they went to a a clip of an interview with one of the alleged jihadists’ lawyers, David Kolinksi who went on at length, uninterrupted by any of the throngs of reporters, about all the allegations of “torture” by his good, honest clients. 

Then Milewski again, with more information of value to Canadians:

Terry Milewski: But the court did not address those allegations!  And ordered a publication ban on the case! Which increased the complaints.

Then they went to another lawyer, our friend Rocco Galati, who went on at length without an interruption from the throngs of reporters.  He confirmed the information!:

Rocco Galati:  They now have the AUDACITY to request a BLANKET publication ban all proceedings from today’s date.  And THAT’S because they heard council after council after council stand up this morning and complain of the TORTURE that these individuals are receiving in detention. 

Then they went to ANOTHER of the alleged jihadists’ defenders —this one a spokesman from the Coalition of Muslim Organizations, Ahmed Shehab, who was not interrupted by the throngs of incurious media who obediently report the facts as reported by the alleged jihadists’ lawyers.  And …he CONFIRMED those facts!

Ahmed Shehab:  We have the …what you call ‘publication BAN’ which as we call it ‘publication SCAM’…. if you accuse people, you might as well show things, clear transparent due process, listed clear … evidence so the whole public could see!  I mean we are part of the public we are part of the Canadian society and we need to see truth and facts!

Then back to Terry Milewski to Peter ‘n us:

Terry Milewski: Now the publication ban means that we CANNOT report the evidence but the fact IS that we don’t HAVE any evidence to report even if we WANTED to, because none has been introduced yet. That won’t happen until the bail hearings unfold over the next few weeks.  That is when the Crown will try to show—under a ‘blanket of secrecy’—why these suspects are too dangerous to release, while awaiting trial.  Peter.

Peter Mansbridge: Alright Terry thank you.  Terry Milewski here in Toronto tonight. 

Tomorrow the Supreme Court begins hearing three cases of men accused of having links to al-Qaida, NONE has been charged with a CRIME but they’ve ALL been detained WITHOUT TRIAL under National Security Certificates. 

[Over footage of sad looking protesters] Today their supporters held a rally in the nation’s capital—they want Canada to abolish the certificates which can be used to deport immigrants and refuges.  They argue it’s a VIOLATION, of BASIC rights.

Two MORE Canadian soldiers have been seriously hurt in Afghanistan.  They were SHOT in a firefight with the Taliban. ….

They report.  You decide. 

Vote liberal.

Joel Johannesen
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