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Via LGF: reports “Iran Declares War”

While the Canadian liberal set and their mainstream media feign righteous indignation (again!)—this time over a Conservative MPs absolutely spot-on analysis of a Supreme Court Justice’s wannabe God-like remarks, real-world events are unfolding as they should not. 

Thank God for brilliant and focused bloggers like Charles Johnson and his Little Green Footballs who dare to help bring the real issues of our lifetimes to the fore.  (Hat tip to Exile).

NY Sun: Iran Declares War

The New York Sun may be the only mainstream newspaper in America that has figured out the real meaning of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s letter to President Bush: Iran Declares War.

President Ahmadinejad’s letter to President Bush, widely interpreted as a peaceful overture, is in fact a declaration of war. The key sentence in the letter is the closing salutation. In an eight-page text of the letter being circulated by the Council on Foreign Relations, it is left untranslated and rendered as “Vasalam Ala Man Ataba’al hoda.” What this means is “Peace only unto those who follow the true path.”

It is a phrase with historical significance in Islam, for, according to Islamic tradition, in year six of the Hejira – the late 620s – the prophet Mohammad sent letters to the Byzantine emperor and the Sassanid emperor telling them to convert to the true faith of Islam or be conquered. The letters included the same phrase that President Ahmadinejad used to conclude his letter to Mr. Bush. For Mohammad, the letters were a prelude to a Muslim offensive, a war launched for the purpose of imposing Islamic rule over infidels.

LGF noted that Ahmadinejad’s letter was a da’wa (a call to Islam) earlier this week (with a nod to Robert Spencer): Ahmadinejad Calls Bush to Islam.


Joel Johannesen
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