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Well there’s yer problem right there, ma’am.

It’s yer fan-sigh “private enterprise” corporat-tee-onns, see.  Ya gots yer En-ronn ’n stuff.  Them’s the problem rat there, see.

But what about this, Mr. Doofus?

Chairman of Quebec liquor board resigns as pricing scandals grow

Raymond Boucher, the chairman of Quebec’s liquor commission, resigned Friday as controversy surrounding the Crown corporation’s policies grew.

Mr. Doofus, let me interrupt my story to let you in on a little secret:  “Crown corporation” is a BS Canadian way of saying “Soviet-style state-run socialist money-laundering ‘business’ that competes against its own citizens for profits, for purely socialist ideological purposes, and because the self-anointed ruling leftist political elites in government think you and all citizens are too utterly stupid to do it or most anything properly yourselves”.  Let me go on with the story:

[…] The SAQ (Societe des Alcools du Quebec) came under fire this week amid media reports it was inflating the price of certain products.

Montreal La Presse also reported that bonuses and benefits handed out to corporation board members have been gradually increasing.

[…] La Presse reported in its Friday edition that Toutant had claimed $106,000 worth of expense for the first 11 months of 2005.

Toutant told [all-news TV channel] LCN, in a segment that aired Friday, that his expenses were 25 per cent lower than his two predecessors.

He said the expenses came from several business trips abroad, adding that the SAQ deals with “suppliers in 45 countries.”

Toutant said he could justify each one of his purchases. A more complete version of the LCN interview is slated to air Sunday.

According to documents obtained by La Presse, Toutant claimed his expenses on top of his $239,000 salary and $15,000 bonus.

Around half of the president’s expenses came outside of Quebec, while Toutant also charged the SAQ $31,000 in representation fees.

The French-language newspaper reported that executives at the Crown corporation claimed a total of $1.7 million during an 11-month period last year.

Well that thar’s yer rat-wing gob’ment, see.  Lib’rals is rat-wing with all the corp-ray-tee-ons ’n stuff. 

Oh!  Right wing.  Liberals.  Huh.  I did not know that.  Imagine my surprise.  And yet they operate a state-run commercial wholesale/retail operation like communist countries do.  Huh.  Sounds like something Fidel Castro would do!  But anyway….  a $239,000 salary plus a $15,000 bonus, plus $31,000 in “representation fees” (don’t even know what that is), plus all his copious benefits and pension fund and on and on, plus $106,000 in expenses on top of that. 

Huh. ‘Magine that.  That’s more than I make.  And here I am, working harder and providing a more beneficial service to Canadians than that government man does. 

Well ya gots yer En-ronns ’n stuff…

Joel Johannesen
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